GS FEWD project

Tasks beyond the 4 hour mark

  • set-up/optimise SEO
  • set up analytics
  • Create and hook up internal page layouts
  • Refine SCSS
  • Modularise the scss into folders with @imports
  • Flesh out text on blog cards and hook into blog database
  • Include search field functionality with database
  • Test cross-browser performance using BrowserStack
  • Test on mobile devices using the BrowserSync external URLs
  • Include CSS animations for: button rollovers; hero text; mobile menu; etc
  • Progressive enhancement using: modernizr; @supports

Getting Started

  • Run npm install install node modules
  • Run bower install install frontend dependencies
  • Run gulp serve to open preview in browser

Uses Yeoman webapp to scaffolds out a front-end boilerplate using gulp for the build process


Slick carousel

SVG icon set