The Game Project 6 – Adding game mechanics

This week’s project builds upon the sketch from last week. Before starting this project make sure you have completed all steps from last week and tested your game thoroughly.

Create a copy of your sketch directory from last week and rename it to something like game-project-6. Keep your completed project from last week safe as a reference, and make the following changes to the code in your new game directory.

  1. Add a score counter [1 marks]

    • create a global variable called game_score
    • increment game_score by one each time the character collects an item.
    • use the text function to draw the score on the screen.
  2. Add a flagpole [1 marks]

    • We need to add an end to your level. I have chosen a flagpole but you can chose according to the theme of your game.
    • Initialise an object called flagpole, it should at least have the properties x_pos and isReached.
    • set isReached to false and x_pos to a world position at the very end of your level.
    • create a function called renderFlagpole and call this from the draw function
    • complete the function to draw your flagpole in two states. One for when isReached is false, and one for when it is true
  3. Flagpole checking function [1 marks]

    • create a function called checkFlagpole
    • call the function from draw, but write a conditional so that checkFlagpole is only called when flagpole.isReached is false
    • in checkFlagpole write a conditional such that when the gameChar is in range of the flagpole its isReached property is set to true
  4. Add lives [2 marks]

    • Your character should begin with three lives, and each time they fall down a canyon the game should reset and their remaining lives decrement by one.
    • Create a global variable lives, and initialise it to 3 within setup.
    • Create a function called checkPlayerDie. Call this within draw.
    • In this function define a conditional statement that tests if your character has fallen below the bottom of the canvas. When this is true, decrement the lives counter by one
    • Create a new function called startGame().
    • Move everything from setup except createCanvas and the initialisation of floorPos_y and lives into this new function.
    • At the end of your now very short setup function call startGame().
    • In checkPlayerDie create a conditional statement to test if the player has used all of their lives. If there are lives remaining call startGame.
    • Write some code using a for loop to draw life tokens onto the screen so that you can keep track of how many lives you have remaining.
  5. "Game over" and "Level complete" text [2 marks]

    • In the draw loop, after your drawing code and before your game logic code, write two conditional statements
    • The first displays "Game over. Press space to continue." when lives is less than 1.
    • The other displays "Level complete. Press space to continue." when flagpole.isReached is true
    • For each conditional you should return at the end of the statement. This prevents any further game logic from happening when play is over.
    1. Tidy your code [3 marks]
    • make sure your code is elegant
      • remove all commented blocks of code
      • check all indentations
      • make your variable names consistent
      • remove any redundant code
      • refactor unwieldy drawing code
      • break up long commands onto multiple lines