
Real-time tic-tac-toe on Blazor Webassembly over ASP.NET 6 SignalR/websockets. OAuth2/OpenID Connect via Duende IdentityServer.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Real-time tic-tac-toe on Blazor Webassembly over ASP.NET 6 SignalR/websockets. OAuth2/OpenID Connect via Duende IdentityServer.

Solution structure

The root of this repository contains a Visual Studio solution (.sln) that has 5 projects:

.NET console application containing the command line client for TickTickToe (still work in progress).

.NET class library containing shared code (domain models, mostly).

Blazor Webassembly application, web client for TickTickToe (feature complete).

Remnant from project setup. I keep it around because I think I might need it someday. Contains code shared betewen server and web client.

All of the things:

  • ASP.NET 6 web server.
  • OAuth2/OIDC identity server.
  • All of the database and Redis access.
  • Pre-rendering (SSR) for the web client.
  • SignalR hubs for the realtime functionality.
  • [Planned] REST APIs for some planned features.



.NET MAUI native application.