
Locates and tracks the position of lane lines (and the car) in dashcam video.

Primary LanguagePython

Highway Lane Tracker Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree




The Project

The goals of this project were to:

  • Calibrate cameras and apply distortion correction to raw images.
  • Apply a perspective transform to get an overhead perspective of the road.
  • Detect lane pixels.
  • Filter out the noise and determine a stable mathematical fit to the lane.
  • Determine the vehicle position in the lane and the lane curvature.

How it Works

In simplest form, the major steps in the lane finding pipeline are:

  1. Get the current frame from the dashboard camera's video.

  2. Warp the perspective of the dashboard image to an overhead view of the road.

  3. Select for potential lane pixels by locally normalizing the image, thresholding the color channels in various color spaces, and combining all the selected pixels into a single "score" image. Specifically, the LAB B, HSV value, and HLS lightness color channels were used.

  4. Perform a sliding window search over the selected lane pixels to find the center of each lane line at different points along the y-axis. Each window has it's own independent Kalman filter that uses a decaying velocity model (i.e. we expect the velocity of the windows to decrease over time).

    For each window, we:

    • Scan the window across the image (keeping its y-position fixed) and find the x-position where that window covers the most pixels (according to a gaussian kernel).

    • Using the Kalman filter and the signal-to-noise ratio, determine if the measurement is unreliable or outlier. If it is, do not update the filtered window position.

      • If the last window position update was too long ago, drop the window entirely until a new, reliable measurement is made and we run an update.
    • Search with the next window, but constrain it's search to a region centered on the filtered position of this window.

  5. Apply a polynomial fit along the filtered windows that have not been dropped for each lane line.

  6. Calculate the position of the car in the lane using the x-offsets, find the radius of curvature from the polynomial coefficients, and draw the lane line onto the image, making sure not to extrapolate past the furthest point on the shorter line. With this, we have all our desired outputs and are done.

For a more in depth description of the process and the code (including plenty of pictures and videos) check out my full writeup at my blog!


This Repository

Download this repository by running:

git clone https://github.com/peter-moran/highway-lane-tracker.git
cd highway-lane-tracker

Software Dependencies

This project utilizes the following, easy to obtain software:

An easy way to obtain these is with the Udacity CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit and Anaconda. To do so, run the following (or see the full instructions):

git clone https://github.com/udacity/CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit.git
cd CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit
conda env create -f environment.yml
activate carnd-term1

And then install the rest (while still in that environment) by running:

pip install symfit
pip install filterpy


Standard usage

To produce standard output, with the lane lines and detected windows all in one video (as shown in the clips above), simply run:

python find_lane.py ./path/to/video_file.mp4

This will produce a new file video_file_presentation.mp4 in the ./output folder.

For example, to run the standard test video, run:

python find_lane.py ./data/test_videos/project_video.mp4

You can find the output at ./output/project_video_presentation.mp4.

More input video files can be found in ./data/test_videos. However, new videos from a new camera would require calibration.

Advanced Usage

Pipeline visualizations

To view any part of the image pipeline, such as the binary images alone or just the filtered windows, you can pass a 2nd parameter.

python find_lane.py ./path/to/video_file.mp4 <pipeline_element>

Files will be saved according to the pipeline element you selected, such as ./output/video_<pipeline_element>.mp4.

Valid pipeline elements include:

Lane detections:

  • presentation, a combination of views as used for demonstration above (default mode).
  • windows_raw
  • windows_filtered
  • highlighted_lane

Image perspectives:

  • dash_undistorted
  • overhead

Lane color space and binary thresholds:

  • lab_b, lab_b_binary

  • lightness, lightness_binary

  • value, value_binary

  • pixel_scores

Custom save location

The third parameter allows you to specify a location to save the file. Make sure to specify the directory as well as the file name with extension.

python find_lane.py <video_file> <pipeline_element> <save_file>