
A ridiculously simple Ruby on Rails plugin for loading concerns under app/concerns (similar to plugins but not reused across applications)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


The idea with this plugin is that you have a RAILS_ROOT/app/concerns directory containing subdirectories where each sub directory represents a certain concern or aspect of your application. A concern may be implemented with code that spans across several parts of the MVC architecture. For example, you may have a few controller and helper methods related to accepting the terms of service of your website and you want to collect all those methods in one place. You
would then create a terms_of_service directory in the concerns directory with an init.rb file in it. The goal here is to make the application code base more modularized.

The difference between concerns and plugins is that concerns are application specific and are not intended
for reuse across applications. Concerns are typically closely tied to your application.


You might have the file app/concerns/terms_of_service/init.rb with something like this:

module TermsOfService
  module ControllerMethods
    def terms_accepted(options = {})
      ... implementation of method here ...
  module HelperMethods
    def terms_of_service_checkbox(options = {})
      ... implementation of method here ...

::ActionController::Base.send(:include, TermsOfService::ControllerMethods)
::ActionView::Base.send(:include, TermsOfService::HelperMethods)

Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Marklund, released under the MIT license