
Node.js Package to Handle Environment Variables and Config

Primary LanguageJavaScript

env-config-2: Node.js Package to Handle Environment Variables and Config


This package exposes a single function generateEnvConfig(options = {}) that returns a config object based on:

  • Environment variables
  • Variables in an optional .env file (parsed by the dotenv package)
  • Default variables provided in code in options.defaults

The generateEnvConfig function will type cast values if the corresponding key is present in options.defaults or in options.types and if the value is a boolean, a number, an array, or an object (object literal). If the value is an array or an object then the environment value will be parsed as JSON. If type casting fails because the environment value is invalid then an error will be thrown.

You can use options.required to assert that certain keys must have a value, i.e. typically that they must be provided in the environment. If one of those keys is missing then generateEnvConfig will throw an error. You can customize the definition of missing via options.isMissing (the default definition is that null/undefined/empty means missing).


The generateEnvConfig function takes these options:

  • required - An array of keys that are required, i.e. must be provided in the environment or in the defaults
  • defaults - An object with default values for environment variables
  • types - An object that specifies the type for each environment variable (boolean/integer/float/json)
  • typeDefs - An object with custom type definitions (i.e. you could use this option to parse environment variable strings into Date objects). See typeDefs in types.js for details


The goals of this package are:

  • To adhere to the Twelve Factor App principle of allowing configuration to be specified via environment variables so that we can have complete control over configuration for each environment that we may need (development, staging, production etc.)
  • To support setting config variables via environment variables so that we can avoid having sensitive information such as passwords in the source code
  • To be able to have convenient non-sensitive config defaults in the source code for the development environment to avoid the developer having to set a number of environment variables to be able to run the application in development
  • To support a .env file that is not under version control where developers can conveniently override config settings on a case-by-case basis in development
  • To offer basic type casting support for environment variable values (which are always strings).


With npm:

npm install env-config-2 --save

With yarn:

yarn add env-config-2

Example Usage in an API Node.js App

# File: config.js
const {generateEnvConfig} = require('env-config-2')

const {NODE_ENV} = process.env
const defaults ={
  PORT: (NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 3000 : null),
  MONGODB_URL: `mongodb://localhost:27017/node_env_config_example_${NODE_ENV}`,
  JWT_SECRET: (NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'foobar' : null),
  JWT_EXPIRY: (3600 * 24 * 30),
  RATE_LIMIT: (NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 5 : 0),
  API_BASE_URL: (NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'http://localhost:3000/v1' : 'https://api.versioned.io/v1')
module.exports = generateEnvConfig({defaults, required})
# File: index.js
const http = require('http')
const config = require('config')

function handler (request, response) {
   response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})
   response.end('Hello World')

const server = http.createServer(handler).listen(config.PORT)
console.log('Server started with config:', config)
# File .env

Start the app with missing env variables:

RATE_LIMIT=5000 node index.js


AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Config is missing the following keys that can be set as environment variables: ALGOLIASEARCH_APPLICATION_ID, ALGOLIASEARCH_API_KEY, ALGOLIASEARCH_API_KEY_SEARCH

Start the app with all needed env variables:



Server started with config: { ALGOLIASEARCH_APPLICATION_ID: 'foobar',
  NODE_ENV: 'development',
  PORT: 3000,
  MONGODB_URL: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/node_env_config_example_development',
  JWT_SECRET: 'foobar',
  JWT_EXPIRY: 2592000,
  RATE_LIMIT: 5000,
  API_BASE_URL: 'http://localhost:3000/v1' }
