
A simple example REST/CRUD API in Node.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple REST API example implemented with Node.js/Fastify and Postgres using OMDB API data

Developer Setup

The API was built using Node.js v20.10.0 and requires having Postgres installed.

npm install

# Create postgres database
createdb -U postgres movies-api-node

npm run dev

Invoking the API with Curl

export BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080

# Get movie by ID
curl $BASE_URL/movies/10 | jq
curl -i $BASE_URL/movies/1234567

# List movies
curl $BASE_URL/movies | jq

# Create movie
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"movie":{"title":"Barbie"}}' $BASE_URL/movies
# Create movie with validation error
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"movie":{"foobar":"Barbie"}}' $BASE_URL/movies

# Update movie
curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"movie":{"title":"Barbie EDITED"}}' $BASE_URL/movies/2

# Delete movie
curl -i -X DELETE $BASE_URL/movies/2

OpenAPI API Docs

open http://localhost:8080/docs

How this project was set up

# Check Node version - installed with nvm
node --version
# v20.10.0

# Create npm package
npm init -y

# Install TypeScript
npm install --development typescript @types/node

# Generate tsconfig.json
npx tsc --init
# Edit tsconfig.json to use:
# {
#   "compilerOptions": {
#     "lib": ["ES2023"],
#     "module": "node16",
#     "target": "ES2022"
#     "outDir": "dist/",
#   },
#   "include": ["src/**/*"]
# }

# Install nodemon and ts-node for development
npm install --development nodemon ts-node

# Add scripts to package.json:
# "build": "tsc",
# "start": "node dist/index.js",
# "dev": "nodemon src/index.ts",
# "postinstall": "npm run build"
# Create a Hello World src/index.ts file and try the scripts above

# Add to git
git init
# Add .gitignore file with dist and node_modules
# Push to github at https://github.com/peter/movies_api_node

Web framework:

# Install Fastify
npm install fastify
# Create basic server in src/index.ts

API Docs:

npm install @fastify/swagger @fastify/swagger-ui

Database support:

# Add ORM
npm install typeorm
npm install reflect-metadata
npm install pg
# Uncomment in tsconfig.json:
# "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
# "experimentalDecorators": true,
# "strictPropertyInitialization": false

# Generate sample database code
npx typeorm init --name MyProject --database postgres
mv MoviesApi/src/entity src 
mv MoviesApi/src/migration src
mv MoviesApi/src/data-source.ts src 
mv MoviesApi/src/index.ts src/db-test.ts
rm -r MoviesApi
# Edit db files to fit your application

# Create postgres database
createdb -U postgres movies-api-node

# Check database data
psql -U postgres movies-api-node
