
Simple Ruby on Rails plugin to ensure that MySQL is properly configured in production

MIT LicenseMIT


With this plugin you can ensure that the version and encoding of
the MySQL server that your Rails application connects to are correct
and abort otherwise when the server starts up.

The plugin provides a method for you to invoke at the end of your
config/environment.rb file to ensure that the database encoding (charset)
of your MySQL database is set properly. If the database encoding/charset of
your MySQL server, connection, and client don't all correspond to the encoding
that you require then the server will abort with an informative 
error message. There is some background in this post:


Install the plugin with:

ruby script/plugin install http://svn.marklunds.com/plugins/require_mysql_encoding

Thanks to the Advanced Pragmatic Rails Studio and the Pragmatic Programmers for
the original source code and to Mike Clark for letting me share the code.


If you are on Rails 2, add the file config/initializers/mysql_requirement.rb, or on an earlier
version of Rails, stick the lines in config/environment.rb:

MysqlRequirement.require do |req|  
  req.version /^5/
  req.sql_mode "TRADITIONAL"

That will make sure MySQL is configured for UTF8, is version 5.x, and uses the C driver in production.

Copyright (c) 2007 Peter Marklund, released under the MIT license