
Minimal tracking pixel app (not for production use)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tracking Pixel API

A minimal implementation of a Node.js tracking pixel API backed by a MongoDB database. This API is not production ready and is for learning purposes only.

Developer Setup

Use correct Node version (see .nvmrc) and install packages:

nvm use
# Check you have the node version specified in .nvmrc
node --version

npm install

Run with the in-memory database mongodb-memory-server:

MONGODB_MEMORY_SERVER=true npm run dev

If you have MongoDB installed you can use that instead (the env var MONGO_URL defaults to mongodb://

MONGODB_MEMORY_SERVER=false npm run dev

For local development you can keep environment variables in .env:

cp .env.example .env


There are unit tests (test:unit) and integration tests (test:integration) and npm test will run both of them:

npm test

The integration tests will start the server with the mongodb-memory-server and make various HTTP requests against the API.

The Track Endpoint

The track endpoint will read the url from the Referer header and the userId from the _track cookie (if the cookie is not present then a Set-Cookie response header is issued) and store the request in the MongoDB database.

# First visit without cookie:
curl -i -o - -H 'Referer: http://localhost:8080/test/contact.html' http://localhost:3000/track
# Set-Cookie: _track=ce3be6d4-cc1d-4375-89a6-7da37ae5646f; Max-Age=43200; Path=/; Expires=Sat, 25 Jun 2022 02:31:06 GMT; HttpOnly

# Repeat visit with cookie:
curl -i -o - -H 'Referer: http://localhost:8080/test/contact.html' --cookie "_track=ce3be6d4-cc1d-4375-89a6-7da37ae5646f" -o /dev/null http://localhost:3000/track

The Tracking Report Endpoint

The /trackingReport endpoint gives you number of pageViews and visitors by url for a given time range. The result is sorted by pageViews in descending order with a limit of a 100 items.

# Time range of one day
curl "http://localhost:3000/trackingReport?from=2022-06-24&to=2022-06-25" | jq .

# Time range of one minute
curl "http://localhost:3000/trackingReport?from=2022-06-24T20:16:00.000Z&to=2022-06-24T20:17:00.000Z" | jq .

Tracking Report CLI

There is a CLI script (built with the Commander package) you can use to get a CSV report from the /trackingReport endpoint (--baseUrl defaults to http://localhost:3000):

# Show usage
./cli trackingReport --help

# Get report from local server
./cli trackingReport --from 2022-06-26 --to 2022-06-27

# Get report from production server
./cli trackingReport --from 2022-06-26 --to 2022-06-27 --baseUrl https://url.of.production.tracking.api

Viewing In-Memory Database Data in Development

Show listing of recent tracking events in the database (intended for development only):

curl http://localhost:3000/trackingEvents | jq .

Test HTML Pages

There are two example HTML pages for local testing (requires having the server running with npm run dev):

npm run dev-static
open http://localhost:8080/test/about.html

Viewing Database Data with the MongoDB Console

You can check tracking events directly in the database (requires installed MongoDB):

npm run dev-db
db.trackingEvents.find().sort({ timestamp: -1 }).pretty()
