Script Usage:

  • python ./ usage type [CSV file [last X data points]]

usage type:

  • "general": display the data as is, with the "date" column on the X-axis, and the other columns each as a line-plot. (sample data)
  • "specific": display the data in a specific way (currently: first column on the secondary Y-axis, and the other columns on the primary Y-axis; the secondary Y-axis also has a hard-coded display range). (sample data)
  • invalid input or no input will be treated as "general".

CSV file:

  • should contain a "date" column as its first column, with the value columns being the rest of the columns.
  • default: the sample data for each usage type.

last X data points:

  • if specified, the display zooms to show only the last X data points.
  • default: 0 (shows all data points).