
The newly branded snack attack! Same crunch, new look!

Primary LanguageASP.NETMIT LicenseMIT


image A CS 345 Game Development Fundamentals Team Project Newly relicensed and rebranded! Same great crunch!


The food goes bad - the demonic way.

Top-down combination shooter where the enemy is both the threat and the ammo.

The player has to manage the types of bullets vs types of enemies.

About Us

CS 345/GMAP 345: Game Development Foundations

Professor Travis Chandler

Mira Holahan, Deirdre Liu, Peter Mangelsdorf, Alex Talitskaya, Alex Tallarico

Summer Term 2019


Please consider filling out one of our surveys!



  • Check the Final folder for the latest build of the game
  • Download and run "Snack-Attack.exe"
  • Linux and Mac are now supported!


  • Download Unity Hub
  • Install Unity Engine version 1.4
  • Pull the entire Repository
  • Open the project from Unity Hub


Check out our assets!

Check out our concepts!


None. Please don't steal our stuff.


This readme is a copy/paste of the WorkLog. If details are our of place, consult Assets/Documentation/WorkLog.txt

Visit our Github Page!

Visit our Github Repo!


How do people like our game?

How many features were implemented?

What lessons were learned?


image image image image


*&T WORK LOG *&D 2019 08 27 *&A PJM


*&T CONTENTS *&D 2019 08 02 *&A PJM

*&CT CONTENTS					//Names of Notes
*&CT HELLO					//Greetings
*&CT REMINDERS					//Do this before running
*&CT PROGRESS					//Deliverable Breakdown and Status

Game Design
*&CT GAME DESIGN				//Game design doc
*&CT GAME CONTENT				//Hierarchically lists deliverables
*&CT GAME FILES					//Name and Purpose
*&CT TUTORIALS					//Helpful documents

*&CT MEMBERS					//Roles, Names, and Contacts
*&CT CREDITS					//Anyone's property we use


*&T HELLO *&D 2019 08 02 *&A PJM

This is the "ReadMe" for this project. Refer to this for any questions if I am unavailable. When you do something, please update this document to reflect the change. I cannot stress this enough. PLEASE update this as you work.

This document is less about logging the work, and more about what the game looks like as a result of the work. Don't record what work you did. Instead, record what the results of your work are. Did you make 3D models for plants? Update the Progress of the Level2 Props. Did you add a death state in code? Update the Progress of the Death Feature.

I recommend updating this after you have finished your work.

Thank you for reading through this, Peter


*&T REMINDERS *&D 2019 08 06 *&A PJM

Set the "PropsObject", "GlobalsObject", and, "ItemsObject" to "Static" (In upper right of Inspector) This prevents the monsters from running into obstacles


*&T GAME PROGRESS *&D 2019 08 02 *&A PJM

Content //WIP

Levels								//WIP

	Level1							//
		Background					//
		Props						//
		Elements					//
		Polish						//

	Level2							//
		Background					//
		Props						//
		Elements					//
		Polish						//

Characters							//WIP

	Player							//
		Model						//PH
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//
	Timmy							//
		Model						//
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Marshmallow						//
		Model						//PH
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Chocolate						//
		Model						//PH
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//
	Cracker							//
		Model						//PH
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

Items								//WIP

	Marshmellow Ammo					//
		Model						//PH
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Chocolate Ammo						//
		Model						//PH
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Cracker Ammo						//
		Model						//PH
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Narration						//
		Models						//PH
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Health Kit						//
		Model						//
		Animation					//
		Texture						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

Interaction							//WIP

	Movement						//WIP
		Player Script					//DONE
		Monster Script					//WIP
		Polish						//
	Looking							//WIP
		Script						//DONE
		Polish						//

	Aiming							//
		Script						//
		HUD						//
		Polish						//
	Projectile						//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Pickup							//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Death							//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Spawn							//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Collide							//
		Script						//
		Polish						//

	Shoot							//
		Script						//
		Polish						//
	Music							//
		Script						//
		Polish						//
		Song						//DONE

Menus								//WIP

	Main							//
		Script						//
		Layout						//
		Polish						//

	Pause							//
		Script						//
		Layout						//
		Polish						//

	Settings						//
		Script						//
		Layout						//
		Polish						//

Writing								//WIP
	Storyboard						//
	Scenes							//
		Start						//
		Transition					//
		End						//

Time								//WIP
	Week 6							//DONE
	Week 7							//WIP
	Week 8							//
	Week 9							//
	Week 10							//
	Week 11							//

Codes // No Progress //WIP Work in Progress //DONE Work Done //PH Place Holder Work


*&T GAME DESIGN *&D 2019 08 02 *&A PJM

Description: Theme: Camp Roast gone bad. Cutesy aesthetic with some spooky vibes.. Length: 15 minutes of play. Feel: Add Juice in vein of Teleglitch, bouncy, recoil, impact, sliding. Play: Core game loop consists of moving, looting, and shooting. Player explores the environment to progress the level. Otherwise, wave shooter. Menus: Pause - Adjust Settings, Reload, Quit (to Main Menu). Main - New, Load, Exit (to Desktop). Settings - Sliders, Keybinds

What makes it unique? Top-down combination shooter where the enemy is both the threat and the ammo. The player has to manage the types of bullets vs types of enemies. The food goes bad - the demonic way.

Similar Games? Teleglitch - topdown 3d shooter with item management. Half Life 2 - Weapons have multiple fire modes (gravity gun).

What’s Fun? Sensation "Game as sense-pleasure": NO The only sensations come from lights and sound - we have no dedicated audio specialist and will invest in the area only with spare time.

Fantasy "Game as make-believe": NO
	Storytelling and lore is not a major faucet of this project in favor of action.

Narrative "Game as unfolding story": YES
	We will have snippets of storytelling through art pieces and other sketched cutscenes.

Challenge "Game as obstacle course": YES
	Moving and Shooting are the main skills being tested. Varying the environment and item placement is our main means of accomplishing this.

Fellowship "Game as social framework": NO
	Multiplayer is a tedious process which does not fit our budget.

Discovery "Game as uncharted territory": YES
	Depending on investment in level design, we may make larger maps with narrative and mechanical elements to explore.

Expression "Game as soap box": NO
	No one on the team is an acclaimed writer or jumped at the opportunity.

Submission "Game as mindless pastime": YES
	When not exploring larger level, the player engages in wave shooter survival.

Fields taken from: http://www.algorithmancy.8kindsoffun.com/


*&T GAME CONTENT *&D 2019 08 02 *&A PJM

Content Levels - Two planned, more only if time permits. Background - hand drawn and converted to Unity terrain if time permits. Props - simple models and textures at most, use to form walls, bridges, some scenes for the player. Enemies - Three enemies at most. Model - One model per enemy. Animation - Three animations per enemy with plans for reuse - use similar skeleton and adjust animation as fit. Texture - One texture per enemy, plans to expand to 3 if time permits (weapon damage). Script - Shared across enemies, differ on attacks. Items Ammo - add 5 units of type of ammo to player pool. Narration - Pause game and play audio or some other message. Health - add 15 health to collider. Interaction Movement - Player Moves in orthogonal directions (North, South, West, East) using the W A S D keys. Aiming - Player moves reticle away from player and at ground using mouse. Pickup - Player picks up ammo and narration from the ground and despawns the item. Death - Player (or enemy) plays death animation and is removed from the game manager. Spawn - Player (or item) is instantiated at a coordinate. Collide - Player (or item) collides, preventing both objects from clipping. Shoot - Player launches a projectile in a direction with a velocity. Writing Scenes - Any pre-sketch plans for layout or reason of sketch in game. Items - Any papers or narrative items strewn throughout the environment.


*&T GAME FILES *&D 2019 08 02 *&A PJM


Ammo						//Items the player can pickup to refill their gun
	MarshmellowAmmo			//Marshmellow variant ammo
	ChocolateAmmo			//Chocolate variant ammo
	CrackerAmmo				//Cracker variant ammo

Debug						//Tools for error prevention
	DebugMaterial			//An annoying texture for invisble objects

Documentation				//Thoughts, Notes, Concerns
	WorkLog.txt				//This file documents thoughts and semantics

Forest						//Background Resources
	Ground					//A Simple Background
	Bush					//A Simple Bush
	Rock					//A Simple Rock
	Tree1					//A Simple Tree
	Tree2					//Another Simple Tree

Game						//Gameplay scripts
	GameManager				//Script for all gameplay external to agents

Lighting					//Environment illumination
	SunLight				//Default Directional Light

Monsters					//Enemy Agents to Player
	MarshmellowMonster		//Marshmellow variant enemy
	ChocolateMonster		//Marshmellow variant enemy
	CrackerMonster			//Marshmellow variant enemy

Player						//Player Resources
	PlayerObject			//Model, Material, and Script for Player
	PlayerCameraObject		//Camera, Script, and Rig for Player

Story						//Dramatic Elements
	Book					//Cookbook the characters find
	CampFire				//A Campfire
	Tent					//A Tent

Scenes						//Places the player plays in
	TestScene				//Prototype designs and ideas
	Story1Scene				//First Level
	Story2Scene				//Second Level

Asset Organization I have organized the individual features of the project into their own respective folders Each feature has an object - the in-game asset/end product of code, art, and description At the moment these are only basic assets I threw together The top level of each object is: Model Code The Model contains a 3D model or models in an empty object The Code contains a C# script or scripts NOT in an empty object - these can be loose Any additional features must be applied to the object as a whole, so any items from the inspector or otherwise

Scene Organization The scenes are also organized by feature The TestScene is an example:

	GlobalsObject		//Anything affecting everything
		Ground			//People walk on this
		Sun				//People use this to see
		GameManager		//Controls Events, Scores, and Death
	PropsObject			//Decorative items
		Bush			//An Instance of a bush
		Rock			//An Instance of some rocks

	ItemsObject			//Gameplay items, but not agents themselves
		Book			//An Instance of the cookbook
		Camp			//An Instance of the camp fire
		Tent			//An Instance of the tent
		MarshAmmo		//An Instance of MarshmellowAmmo
		Smore1			//An Instance of Smore

	PlayersObject		//Gameplay items the player controls
		Player			//The player's character
		Camera			//The player's camera and rig
	MonstersObject		//Gameplay agents
		Marsh			//An Instance of MarshmellowMonster
		Choc1			//An Instance of ChocolateMonster
		Choc2			//Another Instance of ChocolateMonster
There should be no loose items in the directory. Create a semantically-classed folder and place them in it.


*&T TUTORIALS *&D 2019 08 02 *&A PJM

Shooting Survival Shooter Tutorial - 1 of 10 : Environment - Unity Official Tutorials (new) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lP6epjupJs&feature=youtu.be This is my primary reference for coding this game Part 1 is overview and setup DONE Part 2 is player animation, physics, code DONE (Need Models) Part 3 is camera code DONE (Not Used) Part 4 is enemy effects, navigation, animation DONE (Need Models, Health) Part 5 is health ui DONE Part 6 is Health, Attacking ERR (Cannot Drag Components) Part 7 has Death, Despawning, Polish Part 8 has a scoring system Part 9 is a spawner Part 10 is a death system

Juicy Breakout Code Repo
	Includes code examples for making a game feel better

Shooting with Raycasts - Unity Tutorial
	I will reference this for coding the reticle

Simple Gaze Cursor in Unity
	I already control player direction with a technique similar to this.

Menus A Proper Way To Pause A Game https://answers.unity.com/questions/1230216/a-proper-way-to-pause-a-game.html

Unity 5 making a simple pause menu

[Unity3D] Simple pause menu in Unity3D

Version Control How to use Git for Unity3D source control? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18225126/how-to-use-git-for-unity3d-source-control Covers possible approaches and techniques.

How to prepare a Unity project for git?
	Steps to clean up a Unity Project.
	Mostly in editor checkboxes.

Github's Hello World
	This is a short reminder on how to use Git, especially with Github's website.
	2 minutes, max.
Github's Flow Guide
	Another short reminder on the proper Git flow.

Daggerfall Workshop Pages and Github
	I especially recommend looking at how this Github is layed out.
	This is a large project, recreating an old game in Unity.
	Note how none of the art assets are located within the repo.

A successful Git branching model
	Covers how to think about branches.


*&T MEMBERS *&D 2019 08 02 *&A PJM

PJM Peter J Mangelsdorf pjm349@drexel.edu

AKT Alex Tallarico akt54@drexel.edu

DHL Deirdre Liu dhl33@drexel.edu

AAT Alex Talitskaya aat77@drexel.edu

MIH Mira Holahan mih37@drexel.edu


*&T CREDITS *&D 2019 08 06 *&A PJM

Kevin MacLeod's "Fluffing a Duck" Music from https://filmmusic.io "Fluffing a Duck" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Jesper Kyd's "Oof" License: ???

Sheb Wooley's "Wilhelm Scream" Sound from https://archive.org/ License: CC PD (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/)

Jonne Valtonen's "Hullu" Sound from https://modarchive.org/ License: ???

Pwee28's "I can't believe you've done this." Sound from https://www.youtube.com/ License: ???