
Convert domains filters (DNS, abp, ublock) to hosts list with IP

Primary LanguageShell


Convert domains filters (DNS, abp, ublock) to hosts list with IP

I edited a script that I found on https://www.reddit.com/r/pihole/comments/4p2tp7/adding_easylist_and_other_adblocklike_sources_to/, to convert DNS to a hosts filter list, to be added on AdAway (https://github.com/AdAway/AdAway)

I use this filters list:

▬Cybo1927 host list to blocks anti-adblock pop-ups: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cybo1927/Hosts/master/Hosts

▬Energized Spark: https://block.energized.pro/spark/formats/hosts.txt

and the offials used by AdAway