description |
The Mangrove is an on-chain, orderbook-based exchange where offers are code. |
- This documentation is targeted at readers who want to learn technical details about the Mangrove for instance to interact with it through code on-chain or off-chain.
- For a higher-level intro to Mangrove, check out
- Strategy builders or market makers should check out the contracts documentation on how to write offers as code or post offers on-chain.
- Off-chain builders writing, e.g., bots or UI, should check out the Mangrove API.
- If you want to modify and improve the core of Mangrove, read the annotated code and head to the GitHub repository.
- All GitHub repositories can be found in the mangrovedao.
There are 3 types of actors in play:
- Offer makers add liquidity promises to Mangrove. They own offers in offer lists and must manage contracts that react to offer execution.
- Takers go to Mangrove to find liquidity by executing offers already in Mangrove.
- Governance adjusts Mangrove parameters, opens new pairs, sets fees, etc.