
Fun project with Go, Fiber, and htmx.

Nothing in here is production ready. Copy-paste at your own risk.

Installation instructions

Install Zitadel

Follow one of the following guides:

Install go-htmx

git clone https://github.com/peteraba/go-htmx-playground
cd go-htmx-playground
sh -c "$(curl --location https://taskfile.dev/install.sh)" -- -d -b ~/.local/bin
task install

Tools being used in this project

  • Task - Task runner (like Make, but nicer)
  • Air - Rebuilding project on file change
  • Zitadel



JS goodies:

Go goodies:

HOT JavaScript frameworks to check:

HOT CSS frameworks to check:

Go stuff to check:

Interesting HTMX plugins:

Alternative to HTMX:
