
R package for the ETRADE API

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


CRAN Version Dev Version Downloads

R package for the ETRADE API, facilitating authentication, trading, pricing data, account balances, positions, order history, option chains, and more. After creating an account, obtain developer authorization keys to use the API. This package was built for personal use tokens not vendor tokens. See this article for a full example of obtaining keys, logging in, and automating a trade strategy in production.


This software is in no way affiliated, endorsed, or approved by ETRADE or any of its affiliates. It comes with absolutely no warranty and should not be used in actual trading unless the user can read and understand the source code. The functions within this package have been tested under basic scenarios. There may be bugs or issues that could prevent a user from executing trades or canceling trades. It is also possible trades could be submitted in error. The user will use this package at their own risk.

It is highly recommended to use the sandbox environment prior to trading. Please note, as stated in the documentation, the sandbox environment will return trades different from what was entered. The sandbox is to verify the entry is valid.


You can install etrader using:

# Available on CRAN

# Install development version - same as CRAN
# install.packages("devtools")


Accessing the ETRADE API requires the use of authorization keys that can be obtained through the ETRADE Developer site. To use the API, the user will need to manually log into their ETRADE account at least once a day; however, this can be automated using RSelenium and Docker as shown in this article.

Once authorization tokens have been obtained, authentication can be achieved in three simple steps: setting credentials, generating a login URL, and requesting access tokens. Below are all the steps required. Jump to Authentication Example to see the R code example.

  1. Visit the ETRADE Developer site
  2. Complete the API User Intent Survey, API Agreement, and Annual Attestation
  3. This will generate a key and secret for both a sandbox and production environment
  4. Use etrd_auth_credentials to set the key and secret for the environment
  5. Generate a login URL using etrd_auth_login_url
  6. After logging in and accepting, pass the verification code to etrd_auth_access_token

This will generate Access Tokens that will be good until midnight Eastern Time. Please be sure to indicate at each step whether sandbox or production tokens are being used or the authentication will fail. Production environment is assumed by default.

Steps 1-3 only need to be completed once. 4-6 need to be completed each trading day but can be automated with RSelenium and Docker.

Sandbox Authentication Example

Below is an example to log into the Sandbox environment. This is used to test order entry and other calls that may be made. To log into production, ensure to use production API keys and also remove “sandbox = TRUE”. The entire authentication process must be completed within a few minutes or the tokens will expire.

Once the authentication is complete, the access tokens are valid for the rest of the trading day unless there is no activity for two hours.

# --------- Step 1 -----------
# Obtain a key and secret from ETRADE (https://developer.etrade.com/getting-started)
# Set the key and secret as credentials into an oauth app using etrd_auth_credentials
# sandbox flag defaults to production

# Retrieve ETRADE credentials from secure location
sandbox = TRUE
etkeys = readRDS('/home/rstudio/Secure/etrd_login_ab.rds')
etrade_cred = etrd_auth_credentials(etkeys$sand_key, etkeys$sand_secret, sandbox = sandbox)

# --------- Step 2 -----------
# Generate a URL and log into ETRADE (the site will open automatically)
# The URL may need to be re-pasted after login if you end up on a standaed ETRADE screen
# Credentials are passed by default

loginURL = etrd_auth_login_url(sandbox = sandbox)

# --------- Step 3 -----------
# After a successful login, paste the verification code as shown

access_tok = etrd_auth_access_token(verif_code = 'XX123',sandbox = sandbox)

# If successful, the rest of the etrader functions can now be used
# This process can be automated using Docker and Selenium

# --------- Optional Step 4 -----------
# Tokens expire at midnight Eastern each day and a manual login is required next day
# If two hours elapsed within the trading days, the tokens will be inactivated
# Reactive using etrd_auth_manage_token where tokens need to be explicitly passed
etrd_auth_manage_token(access_tokens = access_tok, etrade_cred = etrade_cred, sandbox = sandbox)

Account Data

Get account data. Access tokens are passed by default.

# Auth parameters are set by default
sandbox = TRUE
actdata = etrd_account_list(sandbox = sandbox)


# 'data.frame': 4 obs. of  9 variables:
# $ accountId      : chr  "xxxx"
# $ accountIdKey   : chr  "xxxx" 
# $ accountMode    : chr  "IRA" "BROKERAGE" "CASH" "CASH"
# $ accountDesc    : chr  "Brokerage" "Complete Savings" "INDIVIDUAL" "INDIVIDUAL"
# $ accountName    : chr  "NickName-1" "NickName-2" "NickName-3" ""
# $ accountType    : chr  "MARGIN" "INDIVIDUAL" "INDIVIDUAL" "CASH"
# $ accountStatus  : chr  "ACTIVE" "ACTIVE" "ACTIVE" "CLOSED"
# $ closedDate     : int  0 0 0 1

# Get account balances
account_id = actdata$accountIdKey[1]
etrd_account_balance(account_id, sandbox = sandbox)


Trade functions have been split up into three categories. Equities, Mutual Funds, and Options. The order entry for etrader has been greatly simplified compared to what the ETRADE API offers. Single order entry is the functionality currently built. Use etrd_cancel_order to cancel open orders.

Note: the sandbox environment will return previews and order outputs different than what is submitted. Most submissions sent for execution will fail. The objective is to confirm the order syntax is correct and not validate entry. If an order preview is successfully generated then the syntax works. The next recommended step is to place orders when the market is closed in the production environment to ensure the order entry comes through correctly.

# Ensure trades are entered in sandbox environment
sandbox = TRUE
actlist = etrd_account_list(sandbox = sandbox)
account = actlist$accountIdKey[1]

# Specify ticker and preview type. Different ticker will be returned in sandbox
# Please note: I am not recommending SPLG I am only using it as an example
ticker = 'SPLG'
previewOrder = 'df'

#### ------- Equity orders ----------- ####
# Limit buy order
limiteq = etrd_place_eq_order(account = account,
                    symbol = ticker,
                    quantity = 5,
                    orderAction = 'buy',
                    priceType = 'limit',
                    limitPrice = 20,
                    previewOrder = previewOrder,
                    sandbox = sandbox)

# Cancel open limit order
etrd_cancel_order(limiteq$accountidKey, limiteq$orderId, sandbox = sandbox)

# stop sell order
etrd_place_eq_order(account = account,
                    symbol = ticker,
                    quantity = 5,
                    orderAction = 'sell',
                    priceType = 'stop',
                    stopPrice = 8,
                    previewOrder = previewOrder,
                    sandbox = sandbox)

# Trailing stop buy
etrd_place_eq_order(account = account,
                    symbol = ticker,
                    quantity = 5,
                    orderAction = 'buy',
                    priceType = 'TRAILING_STOP_PRCT',
                    stopPrice = 1, # Will be percent or dollar value based on priceType
                    previewOrder = previewOrder,
                    sandbox = sandbox)
# market order with no preview - this will be sent immediately for execution
etrd_place_eq_order(account = account,
                    symbol = ticker,
                    quantity = 1,
                    orderAction = 'buy',
                    priceType = 'market',
                    previewOrder = 'none')                    

#### ------- Mutual Fund orders ----------- ####
# Please note: I am not recommending SWTSX, I am only using it as an example
# Mutual fund sell everything
mforder = etrd_place_mf_order(account = account,
                              symbol = 'SWTSX',
                              quantity = 1,
                              quantityType = 'ALL_I_OWN',
                              mfTransaction = 'sell',
                              previewOrder = 'df',
                              sandbox = sandbox)

# Mutual fund buy
mforder = etrd_place_mf_order(account = account,
                              symbol = 'SWTSX',
                              quantityType = 'DOLLAR',
                              quantity = 2,
                              mfTransaction = 'buy',
                              previewOrder = 'df',
                              sandbox = sandbox)
#### ------- Option orders ----------- ####
# Please note: I am not recommending FB options, I am only using it as an example
# Buy to open
  etrd_place_optn_order(account = account,
                        symbol = 'FB',
                        callPut = 'call',
                        expiryYear = '2018',
                        expiryMonth = '12',
                        expiryDay  = '21',
                        strikePrice = '140',
                        quantity = 1,
                        orderAction = 'BUY_OPEN',
                        priceType = 'market',
                        previewOrder = 'df',
                        sandbox = sandbox)

# Sell to open
  etrd_place_optn_order(account = account,
                        symbol = 'FB',
                        callPut = 'call',
                        expiryYear = '2018',
                        expiryMonth = '12',
                        expiryDay  = '21',
                        strikePrice = '140',
                        quantity = 1,
                        orderAction = 'SELL_OPEN',
                        priceType = 'market',
                        previewOrder = 'df',
                        sandbox = sandbox)

Orders and transactions

Search for orders and transactions. Get detailed transaction data for a specific transaction.

actlist = etrd_account_list(sandbox = sandbox)

# Filter for executed 
filterOrd = etrd_order_history(actlist$accountIdKey[1], transactionType = 'BUY', 
                              securityType = 'mf', status = 'EXECUTED', 
                              fromDate = Sys.Date()-30, toDate = Sys.Date(), sandbox = sandbox)
# Get a list of transactions
transdf = etrd_transactions(actlist$accountIdKey[1], fromDate = '2020-01-01', sandbox = sandbox)

# Get transaction details
transDet_df = etrd_transaction_detail(actlist$accountIdKey[1], transdf$transactionId[1], sandbox = sandbox)

Market Data

Get quotes (delayed or live depending on the user agreement with ETRADE) and Option Chains.

  # Quotes for up to 50 securities
  qts = etrd_market_quote(c('AAPL','MSFT','SPY'), sandbox = sandbox)
  # Non filtered option chain
  chain_def = etrd_option_chain('SPY', sandbox = sandbox)
  # Filtered Option Chain
   chain_filt = etrd_option_chain(symbol = 'AAPL',
                                 expiryYear = 2021,
                                 expiryMonth = 6,
                                 noOfStrikes = 20,
                                 chainType = 'call',
                                 sandbox = sandbox)