This repository is no longer maintained.
This is an example project to demonstrate implementing various monitoring capacities using Puppet. Its aims are twofold:
- Suggest modules which are easy to get going with
- Provide an example usage of those modules to show how to use them
Getting started
You will need Ruby (ideally from rbenv) and Bundler. You will also need Vagrant version >= 1.1.
Run bundle to install the ruby gems specified in the gemfile
Install Puppet Librarian
bundle exec librarian-puppet install
A simple Vagrantfile
is provided to spin up separate VMs playing
different roles in the monitoring environment. To show the available
machines, run vagrant status
. To provision particular machines, run
vagrant up <name>
. For example, to explore gstatsd and its
submission of metrics to graphite, you probably want the graphite
and node1
If you've previously had errors running vagrant up <name>
try running vagrant reload <name>
To log into a machine, run vagrant ssh <name>
Batteries included
Here are the headline details of what's inside.
The main tools are graphite, collectd and gstatsd. The
main server is called graphite
, while all machines run gstatsd and
collectd. The gstatsd instances all submit their metrics to the
internal graphite server.
Graphite is a collection of daemons which collect, store, and render metrics for you. It is split into separate components:
- carbon, which collects metrics
- whisper, which stores metrics on disk and automatically rolls up older metrics into a lower resolution to optimise disk usage
- graphite webapp, which renders metrics into pretty graphs or JSON files. This listens on port 8000; in production use, it would probably be fronted with nginx or apache to expose it on port 80 and/or 443. Configuring this webserver is outside the scope of this module.
collectd is a daemon which collects system statistics and can output them to carbon. It has a large number of plugins for common daemons. There are two ways to wire up collectd communication:
- Use the write_graphite collectd plugin to submit metrics directly to carbon from each host machine
- Use the
network collectd plugin
to connect client collectd daemons to a single server daemon on the
machine. The server then uses write_graphite to communicate locally to carbon.
Neither method is currently implemented in this module; issue #1 aims to resolve this.
gstatsd is a daemon which collects user-submitted metrics at an arbitrary rate, performs some statistical massaging, and submits them to carbon at carbon's rigid one-per-N-second rate. It is intended to receive metrics from applications configured to use it. To create metrics on a machine in this vagrant menagerie, run the command:
echo -n 'my_metric_name.submetric:1|c' | nc -u localhost 8125
(note that as ubuntu's netcat is slightly interesting, you may have to kill it with SIGINT; nevertheless, it will still submit the metric.)
Other tools which you may wish to consider:
- diamond is another system metric daemon in the same space as collectd
- statsd is the original daemon which gstatsd copies
The main tools are rsyslogd, logstash and
elasticsearch. The main server is called logging
; all machines
run rsyslog and submit their log events to a logstash process on the
central logging server. The submitted logs will appear in
/var/log/logstash/all.log a single file aggregating all log
events. They will also be piped to the elasticsearch instance at
-- in practice, this should be a multinode cluster
with data replication (ie number_of_replicas
should be 1 or more).
With the data in elasticsearch, you would ordinarily view it using kibana.
Logstash json event format
Logstash has a native logging format which sends logs as one JSON object per line. This has a number of advantages: the data is simple and robust to parse; the data can have richer structure than traditional flat formats; and extra fields can be added without needing to change downstream parsers.
The earlier in the logging chain you can convert to logstash's JSON format, the more information you can preserve in your log message and the better you can take advantage of the rich structure of the format. Here are some ways to generate JSON event format:
- For JVM applications using Logback, there is a logstash logback encoder
- nginx json event format
- Apparently rsyslog can also do this too
Alternative approaches
In this repository, rsyslog on the client machines talks directly to logstash on port 5544 on the logging.internal machine. An alternative is to have local rsyslogs shipping to a remote syslog on logging.internal on port 514, which then aggregates all messages and ships to logstash on 5544 locally.
The main reason this repository doesn't use this approach is because rsyslog configuration is much more complex when different log messages must be treated differently. On logging.internal, local syslog messages should be logged to disk in /var/log, but remote messages arriving via port 514 should not and should only be forwarded to logstash.
sensu is a client/server system for running monitoring checks and handling results. Checks are defined in the puppet manifests (a very simple example is provided) and resultings displayed on a dashboard application. Additional handlers can also be configured to do things like dispatch emails or SMS messages.
New checks can be written using the sensu-plugin framework or alternatively sensu can use existing Nagios plugins.
Security concerns
Most alerting systems work by having a central server initiate checks on remote clients. They can work in one of two ways: allow the monitoring server to run arbitrary code on the clients, or pre-configure a fixed list of checks that the monitoring server is allowed to issue to the clients. If you use the first approach, then if anybody compromises your monitoring server (or the communication medium it uses) then they can control any client that it monitors.
Mitigations to this attack vector are:
- Sensu
- enable the
option, to require all checks to be preconfigured on the clients - enable SSL communication with the rabbitmq server
- enable the
- Nagios/NRPE
- don't enable the
- don't enable the
Other tools you may wish to consider: