
wombat.co integration for fosdick

Primary LanguageRuby

Fosdick Endpoint


  • client - The name of your fosdick account
  • fosdick_amazon_key - Your S3 account's key
  • fosdick_amazon_secret_key - Your S3 account's secret key


Add Shipment (/add_shipment)

The add shipment webhook sends a new shipment to Fosdick.


  "request_id": "52f367367575e449c3000001",
  "shipment": {
    "id": "12836",
    "order_id": "R154085346",
    "email": "spree@example.com",
    "cost": 5,
    "status": "ready",
    "stock_location": "default",
    "shipping_method": "UPS Ground (USD)",
    "tracking": "12345678",
    "shipped_at": "2014-02-03T17:33:55.343Z",
    "shipping_address": {
      "firstname": "Joe",
      "lastname": "Smith",
      "address1": "1234 Awesome Street",
      "address2": "",
      "zipcode": "90210",
      "city": "Hollywood",
      "state": "California",
      "country": "US",
      "phone": "0000000000"
    "items": [
        "name": "Spree T-Shirt",
        "product_id": "SPREE-T-SHIRT",
        "quantity": 1,
        "price": 30,
        "options": {}
  "parameters": {
    "client": "yourclientname",
    "fosdick_amazon_key": "foobar",
    "fosdick_amazon_secret_key": "foobar"

Error Response

Status Code: 500
Content-Type: application/json

  "request_id": "52f367367575e449c3000001",
  "summary": "[{\"SuccessCode\"=>\"False\", \"ErrorCode\"=>\"Invalid\", \"Errors\"=>{\"Error\"=>\"Please enter a valid value for ClientCode\"}}, {\"SuccessCode\"=>\"False\", \"ErrorCode\"=>\"Failure\", \"Message\"=>\"Invalid ClientCode\"}]"