- 1
TypeError: self.getLineBreakChar is not a function
#140 opened by Harisene - 1
Support ECMAScript module
#112 opened by alexhaller - 0
Daylight saving not managed properly
#139 opened by satadhi4alumnux - 8
- 3
Recurring exdates not picked up by parser.
#129 opened by JR-Y - 3
Refactor ical, relocating parsing code into new module suitable for non-Node.js environments
#104 opened by matthewadams - 1
Create new npm release after bump of rrule
#120 opened by jontelm - 2
EXDATE different formats not handled
#76 opened by DutchDynamics - 0
- 1
Automated dependency updates
#116 opened by notcarbide - 1
No way to tell if an event is an all day event
#103 opened by sorenisanerd - 0
windows timezones are not supported
#115 opened by sdetweil - 0
- 0
want to add tests for fixing microsoft timezones, and timezones in general, but existing tests fail on test5 and test8
#113 opened by sdetweil - 3
New version release
#81 opened by tnguyen14 - 4
- 4
- 1
- 3
403: Forbidden For Airbnb iCal
#102 opened by rajeshsmallarc - 0
error parsing blank RRULE line
#109 opened by dtreskunov - 3
- 0
camelCase rrule options
#101 opened by yogurtandjam - 2
Please consider republishing to npm
#96 opened by newtang - 2
CORS issue, {mode: "no-cors"} doesn't work
#88 opened by hugoblanc - 2
Mention RRule in the documentation
#43 opened by jfrumar - 1
- 2
Correct TZ
#68 opened by xdadda - 0
length is not defined exception when parsing
#97 opened by mdissel - 1
Doesn't support RECURRENCE-ID or EXDATE
#63 opened by mbalfour - 0
- 3
- 5
Unable to resolve module `fs`
#80 opened by agersoncgps - 0
Open calendar file from Microsoft Office
#82 opened by staminna - 1
EXDATE parsing incomplete
#75 opened by berlincount - 2
RRULE parsing incomplete
#74 opened by berlincount - 1
How to parse ical string
#71 opened by shavo007 - 2
Date issue
#67 opened by MatthAddax - 1
- 1
rrule parse exit
#70 opened by narenpublic - 0
More than one EXDATE
#57 opened by mykhailo-riabokon - 0
Split ':' when in quoted string
#65 opened by grebulon - 0
- 4
Remote Memory Exposure (VULNERABILITY)
#58 opened by nhubbard - 2
RRule doesn't honor start date
#45 opened by jfrumar - 2
- 2
- 3
Empty items in out-data
#31 opened by cbrunnkvist - 2
Extra event id
#28 opened by kaihendry - 1
NPM registry shows outdated package 0.2.0
#46 opened by chernjie - 2
Broken test
#32 opened by cbrunnkvist