Uses flakes and home-manager. Includes all the things I usually need.
git clone
At this point you can edit usernames in the nix-cfg
directory, like the user account username and
git user in home.nix
sudo cp -r nix-cfg/* /etc/nixos/
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake '/etc/nixos#nixos'
You can then run passwd
for the user.
When you first run a shell, powerlevel10k should run you through their configuration process.
GitHub CLI is installed and can be used to auth with GitHub, but you can also create a new SSH key as described here.
To configure most dotfiles, fork and modify the dotfile you want,
then change the URL in the default.nix
of that software to yours and change the revision to the correct
- Pull Neovim config
- Pull Kitty config
- Have the option to have a single git URL passed into all extra config files