
My nixos configuration.

Primary LanguageNix

My NixOS Configuration.

Uses flakes and home-manager. Includes all the things I usually need.


git clone https://github.com/peterc-s/nix-cfg

At this point you can edit usernames in the nix-cfg directory, like the user account username and git user in home.nix.

sudo cp -r nix-cfg/* /etc/nixos/
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake '/etc/nixos#nixos'

You can then run passwd for the user.

When you first run a shell, powerlevel10k should run you through their configuration process.

GitHub CLI is installed and can be used to auth with GitHub, but you can also create a new SSH key as described here.

To configure most dotfiles, fork https://github.com/peterc-s/dotfiles and modify the dotfile you want, then change the URL in the default.nix of that software to yours and change the revision to the correct version.


  • Pull Neovim config
  • Pull Kitty config
  • Have the option to have a single git URL passed into all extra config files