* StreamingVideoProvider Ltd. video publishing API exemples and client library					*
* Copyright 2006-2012 StreamingVideoProvide Ltd. All rights reserved!						*
* version 1.8														*
* update date: 20/01/2015												*
*																*
* DISCLAIMER: This software is provided AS IS without any express or implied					*
* warranties for purpose or fittness. Use it at your own discretion and your					*
* own risk.															*
*																*
* Package:															*
* This package contins examples of PHP source code that implement a client					*
* library for the SVP video publishing API as well as some of the services					*
* provided.															*
*																*
* NOTE: The documentation and API itself is subject to change and further					*
* extension! Please get the latest version of the documentation at:						*
* http://www.streamingvideoprovider.co.uk/docs/api/SVP_API_Specs.pdf					*
* and the latest version of this examples at:										*
* http://www.streamingvideoprovider.co.uk/docs/api/SVP_API_Examples.zip					*
* 																*
* Installation:														*
* Place the code from the .zip package in a directory on your web server and					*
* open the constants.php file to set your API Key and API Code. You can obtain				*
* your API Key and API Code by going to:										*
* SVP Panel > Account > Integation > API Access									*
* Run the examples by entering the individual script addresses added to your					*
* installation path.														*
*																*
* Examples:															*
*																*
* 1) svp_test_upload_video.php implements a basic example for automated upload integration with us.	*
*																*
* 2) ppv.php implements a basic example for controlling pay per view functionallity.				*
*																*
* 3) ppv_custom_payment.php implements a basic example for PPV custom payment solution.		*
*																*
* 4) images.php implements a basic examples for working with video images.					*
*																*
* 5) broadcast.php implements a basic examples for controlling video broadcast functionallity.		*
*																*
* 6) recording.php implements a basic examples for controlling video recording functionallity.			*
*																*