

Primary LanguageTypeScript

CDK AppSync GraphQL API

This CDK stack deploys a real-time GraphQL API built with AWS AppSync, Amazon DynamoDB, and AWS Lambda. We use CDK to create a CodePipeline that will Continously Deploy our changes to the target environments.

Getting started

To deploy this project, follow these steps.

  1. Fork this project to your GitHub Repo.

  2. Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/askulkarni2/cdk-graphql-backend.git
  1. Change into the directory and install dependencies
cd cdk-graphql-backend

npm install
  1. Create GITHUB_TOKEN as a AWS Secrets Manager secret.
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name GITHUB_TOKEN \
    --description "Github Token" \
    --secret-string "$GITHUB_TOKEN"
  1. Run the build
npm run build
  1. Bootstrap CDK using the CDK_NEW_BOOTSTRAP flag.
env CDK_NEW_BOOTSTRAP=1  cdk bootstrap \
    --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \
  1. Deploy the pipeline Stack
cdk deploy --parameters GitHubOrg=askulkarni2