
Matrix Multiply have a error

HongFaWan opened this issue · 10 comments

i don't know how to correct it

Hi @HongFaWan, I can't read Chinese so it's a bit hard to figure what's happening here. Which line is causing the error?

Hi @HongFaWan I fixed some different bugs (and pushed them) and I can run this example fine on my local machine using MATLAB r2023a and the latest version of the RVC3 toolbox from this repo. Please note that this won't work with my old MVTB toolbox which also has a class called CentralCamera.

@thewitek Running this under MATLAB Online there is some problem with the project file setup, and I can't access the image files, somehow toolbox/images is not on the path.

For now, double click on the rvc3setup.prj file which will set the path up properly, then run the mlx file.

However, the question still remains about the multiply error. @HongFaWan please explain the software configuration you are using, desktop or Online, which version of MATLAB you are using, and share the results of the following MATLAB commands:

>>> which CentralCamera
>>> rvccheck

Okay, I am using MATLAB R2022b desktop version on a Windows 10 system. The results of entering the two commands you provided are as follows:

>>> which CentralCamera
>>> D:\DESKTOP\inertial course\Robotics, Vision and Control\RVC3-MATLAB-main\toolbox\@CentralCamera\CentralCamera.m  % CentralCamera constructor
>>> rvccheck
>>> You have MATLAB release (R2022b), at least (R2023a) is required 
>>> Navigation Toolbox is required for Chapter 5
>>> p =
>>>     'E:\Matlab\toolbox\phased\phased\rotx.m'
>>>  You have Peter Corke's Robotics and/or Spatial Math Toolbox in your path

Please write the line that fails, cut and paste it in. It is not clear from the screenshot in your first posting. Then cut and paste the values of the arguments passed to that function.