Serverless app deployment using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

In this demo, you will learn how to deploy a serverless application made AWS lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon Aurora Serverless using the AWS Cloud Development Kit, known as the CDK. For a more detailed step-by-step instructions you can follow this blog.


The architecture of this demo consists of AWS Cloud9 instance environment containing a CDK project which deploys an API Gateway and Lambda function. This Lambda function leverages a secret stored in your AWS Secrets Manager to read and write from your Aurora Serverless database through the data API, as shown in the following diagram.

Deployment instructions

  1. Clone repo and navigate to directory using the following commands:

git clone

cd aws-cdk-serverless-app-deployment-example/RecordsApp

  1. Configure cdk

sudo yum -y update

nvm install v10.3.0; nvm alias default 10.3.0

npm install -g typescript

npm install -g aws-cdk

cdk init app --language typescript

  1. Install depedencies

npm install @aws-cdk/aws-apigateway @aws-cdk/aws-lambda @aws-cdk/aws-iam @aws-cdk/aws-rds @aws-cdk/aws-aws-secretsmanager

  1. Cdk deploy

npm run build; cdk synth; cdk bootstrap; cdk deploy

  1. Populate db and table

DATABASE NAME : main SECRETS MANAGER: find it in the lambda function environment variables

INSERT INTO singers(id,name,nationality,recordid) VALUES(100,'Michael Jackson','American',001);

  1. Test

Once it’s done, you can test it using Postman:

GET = ‘RecordName’ in the path


POST = Payload in the body

     "recordTitle" : "BlogTest",
     "recordReleaseDate" : "2020-01-01",
     "singerName" : "BlogSinger",
     "singerNationality" : "AWS"


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.