
Project from my undergrad compiler class: Python subset compiler

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A compiler for a subset of Python, implemented in Rust.


# install rust with rustup (requires nightly, for now)
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

# clone repository
git clone https://github.com/peterdelevoryas/pythonc.git
cd ./pythonc

# build and install
cargo install

# output a 32-bit x86 (only architecture supported right now) assembly file
printf "x = 1\nwhile x != 10:\n\tprint x\n\tx = x + 1\nprint x" > test.py
pythonc test.py
cat test.s

# build the runtime for outputting binary files
make -C runtime
# pythonc uses PYTHONC_RUNTIME env var, or --runtime flag to specify path
# to compiled runtime library.
export PYTHONC_RUNTIME=$(readlink -f ./runtime/libpyyruntime.a)

# compile a binary and run it
pythonc test.py --emit bin

# view an intermediate stage's output
pythonc test.py --stdout --emit ssa

# compile and run a binary:
pythonc test.py --emit asm
gcc -m32 test.s -o test.bin runtime/libpyyruntime.a

# view usage for more
pythonc -h


The runtime was not created by me, and is included under the terms of the MIT license. The rest of the library, written by myself and William Temple, is also provided under the terms of the MIT license.