Swift library to simplify key value observation. KVO only works with NSObjects, so Observative can only observe ancestors of NSObject.
- Observe properties only on NSObjects
- Declare observed properties dynamic,
dynamic var myVar
- observe(_ object:NSObject, keyPath:String, onChange:see below)
- (_ oldValue:Any?, _ newValue:Any?) -> Void
- (_ newValue:Any?) -> Void
- () -> Void
- stopObserving(_ object:NSObject)
- stopObserving()
var updateCalled = false
let objectToWatch = NSMutableDictionary(dictionary:["key1":"value1"])
let observative = Observative()
observative.observe(objectToWatch, keyPath:"key1")
updateCalled = true
objectToWatch["key1"] = "updatedValue1"
if updateCalled{ print("it worked!") }
class MyController, Observes
var objectToWatch:CustomObject {
didSet {
if oldValue != nil
observe(objectToWatch, keyPath:"myProperty")
func doOnChange()
print("myProperty changed!")
// object changed