
DSpace Helper Utilities

Primary LanguagePHP

Various utilities to manipulate DSpace content and to import content into DSpace

csv-to-dspace-xml.php: converts batch uploads in CSV format to a DSpace-specific batch import format.

  -- Supply a CSV filename to load, a directory to place the files, and the contents directory as command arguments

move-items-to-different-collection.php: moves items from one collection to another

export-many-collections.php: simple utility to export many collections at once

export-collection-bitstreams-to-folder.php: export all non-filter and non-license bitstreams to a designated folder
  -- ./export-collection-bitstreams-to-folder.php "host= port=5432 dbname=dspace user=dspace pass=dspace" 567

export-collection-metadata-to-csv.php: export collection metadata to a CSV file. Multiple values get separated by a pipe.
  -- ./export-collection-metadata-to-csv.php "host= port=5432 dbname=dspace user=dspace" 567 /tmp/export.csv