Building a Secure, Multi-Regional & Highly Available Web Application Infrastructure using Terraform

This Terraform Project is used to Setup a Multi-Region Web APP deployed using AWS ECS Fargate and exposed publicly using an Application Load Balancer.

The Whole Infrastructure will be deployed to a Primary Region and a Secondary Region of your choice, based on the Terraform Providers you will setup to run the project.

The DR Strategy is based on Route53 Health Checks which will swtich to the Secondary Region in case of a Primary Region Failure.

The below Diagram describes the App Infrastructure :


What to excpect by deploying this terraform project ?

This project supports creating resources through individual sub-modules, it's mainly based on two main modules global and regional which you can find under the factories directory.

The global module is used to create non-region related resources "for example IAM Roles" while the regional module is used to create region related resources "for example an ALB or an ECS Cluster".

Under the regional module you can find three other sub-modules vpc, ecr and ecs which are needed to create the resources shown in the above diagram.

here is a list of the resources that will be created by each sub-module :

  • VPC Sub-Module :
    • A Public Subnet for each AZ in the Primary and the Secondary Regions based on the provided VPC Cidr See Inputs
    • A Private Subnet for each AZ in the Primary and the Secondary Regions based on the provided VPC Cidr See Inputs
    • An Internet Gateway
    • a NAT Gateway using one of the Public Subnets
    • a Public Route Table for Public Subnets
    • a Private Route Table for Private Subnets
    • S3 & DynamoDB Gateway Endpoints with their relative routes in both Public & Private Route Tables
  • ECR Sub-Module :
    • A ** Private ECR Repository** named web-app-repo
    • A Repo Lifecycle rule to keep the last tagged 30 images
    • Docker Build, Tag and Push for a simple html page that you can find here
  • ECS Sub-Module :
    • An ECS Fargate Cluster named APP-ECS-FARGATE
    • A Task Definition using the ECR Image pushed by the ECR Sub-Module
    • Task Definition Role & Execution Role
    • An ECS Service using the created Task Definition and with Autoscaling enabled "Min Tasks=1 and Max Tasks=10"
    • An Internet Facing ALB for Service Public Exposure
    • A Wild Card ACM Certificate based on the provided Public Domain Name for TLS Termination See Inputs
    • DNS Validation for the created Certificate
    • Route53 Health Check target the FQDN of the Application Load Balancer on port 443
    • Route53 Records with Failover Routing Policy
    • Failover Record Type will be decided based on a flag named primary_region if true a Primary record will be created, otherwise a *Secondary one will be created

How Resources are getting created in two different regions without the need to replicate the Terraform Code ?

As mentioned above, the main terraform module responsabile for creating a single APP Stack is the regional module with its three sub-modules vpc, ecr and ecs

In the you can notice that the regional module is imported twice, each time with a different Terraform AWS Proivder.


// regional Module
// for deploying regional resources
module "app_primary_region" {
  source = "./factories/regional"
  providers = {
    aws.dst = aws.primary-region
  domain_name        = local.metadata.domain_name
  domain_name_prefix = local.metadata.domain_name_prefix
  vpc_cidr_block     = local.metadata.vpc_cidr
  primary_region     = true
  tags               = local.tags


module "app_secondary_region" {
  source = "./factories/regional"
  providers = {
    aws.dst = aws.secondary-region
  domain_name        = local.metadata.domain_name
  domain_name_prefix = local.metadata.domain_name_prefix
  vpc_cidr_block     = local.metadata.vpc_cidr
  primary_region     = false
  tags               = local.tags

Each AWS Terraform Provider should refer to an AWS Region in your AWS Account.

Another difference between the Primary Region and the Secondary Region is the primary_region flag value, which will be required to create Route53 DNS Records as shown below :

resource "aws_route53_record" "dns_record" {
  zone_id = data.aws_route53_zone.public-zone.zone_id
  name    = lower("${var.domain_name_prefix}.${var.domain_name}")
  type    = "A"

  alias {
    name                   = module.alb.lb_dns_name
    zone_id                = module.alb.lb_zone_id
    evaluate_target_health = true

  set_identifier = var.primary_region ? "primary" : "secondary"
  failover_routing_policy {
    type = var.primary_region ? "PRIMARY" : "SECONDARY"

  health_check_id =



To be able to use this project, you will need the following :

  • A Public Domain Name registered or imported in Route53

  • Terraform Providers referring to two different AWS Regions in your AWS Account with the necesary permissions to create all the resources listed here

    Setup Providers :

    Under the main directory, you need to create a new file with two different providers referring to two different AWS Regions as shown below :

      provider "aws" {
      alias      = "primary-region"
      region     = "ADD YOUR PRIMARY REGION HERE"
      skip_metadata_api_check     = false
      skip_region_validation      = false
      skip_credentials_validation = false
      provider "aws" {
      alias      = "secondary-region"
      region     = "ADD YOUR PRIMARY REGION HERE"
      skip_metadata_api_check     = false
      skip_region_validation      = false
      skip_credentials_validation = false


The following inputs should be added to the metadata.yml

Input Mandatory Example Description
domain_name TRUE The Public Domain Name needed for the App Public Exposure and ACM Certificate Validation
domain_name_suffix TRUE webapp Needed for DNS records creation to expose the App publicly,for example :
vpc_cidr TRUE The VPC Cidr is required to setup the Networking part in each region "VPC, Public Subnets and Private Subnets"

Future Improvements

  • Resource Naming :
    • At the moment most of the created resources has fixed names and need to be externalized using Terraform Variables
  • Web Application & Infrastructure :
    • This project doesn't create any DynamoDB Tabls or S3 Buckets, they are there in the diagram for demonstration purposes
    • The Deployed Application on both regions is a simple index.html with a label that indicates the region of deployment "for Failover testing purposes" and I'm working on introducing a more complex use-case that involves DynamoDB Global Tables or Multiple S3 Buckets in two different AWS Regions with Cognito for Auth/Authz.

Any suggestions are much appreciated