This is the source code for Make It So, the sample app accompanying my blog post "Replicating the iOS Reminders App Using SwiftUI and Firebase"
- bdushiTirana, Albania
- benyo
- beubeubeubeuTRAINING QUEST
- biannettaCanada
- blklmn345
- bravoborja@Telefonica
- cjnorman87Houston
- claudiaeng@burstcash
- daliadanilaArtemis Simple Solutions Ltd
- davideagostiniItaly
- edonvChicago, IL
- iamjdpatelSelf
- joehinkle11United States
- jongyoul@apache
- jschmidFAIRTIQ
- kliao2016Denver, CO
- lewiswashereBUNDLAR
- loganisitt@spotify
- lucferbux@RedHatOfficial
- m4pEvenly GmbH
- maailMindvalley
- mertnesvatStudio Next
- mohsinalimatilol
- mono0926Freelance
- mtfumVancouver
- nfjkerr
- nicoglennon@rainbow-me
- panckreouslos angeles
- rodrigoaguilarNumik
- SebastianBOLician
- shuent
- stevebargeltSeattle, WA
- TomLiu谜底科技
- xiaoxidongPoke
- yhkaplanTikTok
- yosshi4486RAISO(self company)