Mission to Mars


A friend is aspiring to work at NASA and study Mars. She spends much of her time looking at websites with news relating to Mars. In order to save time and also to show off some skill, she wants to write a script to collect the data from these websites and display it in a digestable manor.



  • Anaconda 4.7.12
  • BeautifulSoup 4.8.1
  • Splinter 0.12.0
  • Flask 1.1.1
  • PyMongo 3.10.0


Succesfully scraped image and table data from NASA Mars News. Wrote a Python script to scrape the data and store it in a Mongo DataBase. Then using Flask and Bootstrap, uploaded the data to a webpage.

Challenge Overview

It's time to polish up the presentation and add a couple more images. It's desired to have images of Mars' hemisphere displayed on the page.

Challenge Summary

Scraped images from Mars' hemispheres and displayed them in a grid format on the webpage. Also added a new HTML template for the scraping page which includes a "Go Back" button to return to the home page. Used CSS classes to display the table in a more sophisticated manor.

Portfolio Screenshot

Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 8 44 08 PM