
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Issues list for Josh / 29.10.2014


  • The file is named activity-planner-step-2.html. I wanted to make it tabbed first, but then decided not to, since you had similar behaviour on other pages and may have already handeled it.

  • Checkboxes are not currently checkable. A checkbox requires a unique ID, and the label for it requires the same. Take a look at the Activity Planner page step 1 for reference. They are all clickable there. So I left it for you, maybe you have a quick way to assign unique IDs for input and label

  • I will add the caret manipulation on click tomorrow alongside with the datepicker and green button.

A quick how to on how to work with this repo


First, you need to install the Grunt JS, run:

npm install -g grunt-cli

After that:

  • Head over to the repo's root directory.
  • Install the GruntJS's dependencies with npm install
  • Run Grunt with grunt

That is basically all. You are ready to work with the current setup.

Explanation of folder and project structure

Working with HTML

The HTML compile from root and ````/includesfolders automatically each time you change and save something in any .html file that lies either in root or in/includes``` folder. You may want to test it, type something in any root .html file, save it, and in the command line you'll see the information on that change.


Any changes you make in the build folder will always be overriden each time you save any .HTML file outside the /build folder.

File in the /build folder takes a name of the corresponding HTML file from the root folder.

Purpose of /includes folder.

In any HTML file that lies in the root folder, you will find something like that: @@include('includes/foo.html'). Basically what it does is inserting the contents of the includes/foo.html file in the corresponding place in the file you've used it with.

That is very useful for items that repeat for all the pages, for example <head> for styles, <footer> (for footer ? :-D), and stuff like navbars.


There's a foo.html file in the root folder, you make 2 includes there: bar.html and bar2.html.

  • Contents of the bar.html will be "My"
  • Contents of bar2.html will be "Name"
  • And in the root file itself you write "is Username"

and the output content of the build/foo.html will be "My Name is Username".

Working with LESS, CSS

Same saving and compiling rules applied to LESS compilation. Each time you change and save any file that lies in the sources/less folder, all the files compile in one CSS file that is in the build/css/*.css folder.

From the Gruntfile.js you will see, that the default Bootstrap's styles are compiled to build/css/bootstrap.css, and the custom project styles are compiled to the custom.css file respectively.

Believe that's all. Have a nice day