
Tool for dealing with DLL dependencies of Windows programs for packaging purposes

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Example output:

wdeps.exe (286.00kB)
    libboost_filesystem-mt.dll (108.00kB)
    libboost_system-mt.dll (23.00kB)
    libgcc_s_seh-1.dll (79.00kB)
    libwinpthread-1.dll (52.50kB)
    libstdc++-6.dll (1.36MB)
    libboost_program_options-mt.dll (362.00kB)

Total: 2.25MB

Command-line options:

Usage: wdeps [options] <input>

  --copy dir            If specified, copy all dependencies to the specified
  --force               When used with --copy, overwrite existing files.
  --all                 When used with --copy, also include the input file.
  --tree                Display the dependencies as a tree (each dependency
                        will only be expanded once).
  --system              Include system dependencies, doesn't affect `--copy`,
                        system dependencies are not recursed into.
  --path                Include the full path to the dependencies in the list.
  --help                Print this help message.
  --input file          The exe/dll file for which to show dependencies.