This is a mirror of PreciseJump - script to ease on-screen motion I find <number>motion not very practical for bigger <numbers>. I usually don't know exactly how many times I want the motion to be repeated - I just see place on the screen where I want to jump to. This script is addressing this inconvenience. When the motion key is pressed, possible jump targets are highlighted. You just have to type character that appeared on desired place. i.e: If you press '_fx' you get all 'x' characters that are visible in current window highlighted and changed to some unique chars. Pressing the highlighted char will quickly take the cursor to place you want. For little demo you can see: Plugin definines following mappings: _f - jump to given char in whole window _F - jump to given char in a line This script is usable right now, but keep in mind that it still is being developed. If you have any comments, have found bugs, know how to make something better - let me know. Special thanks to: Filip, Adam, Sergey, John, Jim