an clone of the official Wurfl PHP library updated for PHP 5.3
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub
These changes are made:
- added Wurfl namespace, removed the part "WURFL" from the filenames
- merged the \Wurfl\Service and \Wurfl\ManagerFactory into \Wurl\Manager
- replaced the \Wurfl\UserAgentHandlerChain with \SplDoublyLinkedList
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Please refer to the COPYING file distributed with this package for the complete text of the applicable GNU Affero General Public License.
If you are not able to comply with the terms of the AGPL license, commercial licenses are available from ScientiaMobile, Inc at
Download a release archive from wurfl site and extract it to a directory suitable for your application.
To start using the API you need to set some configuration options.
IMPORTANT: The WURFL API is closely tied to the WURFL.XML file. New versions of the WURFL.XML are compatible with old versions of the API by nature, but the reverse is NOT true. Old versions of the WURFL.XML are NOT guarenteed to be compatible with new versions of the API. Let's restate that: This API is NOT compatible with old versions of the WURFL.XML. The oldest copy of WURFL that can be used with this API is included in this distribution.
* This makes our life easier when dealing with paths. Everything is relative
* to the application root now.
* change this to pass to your project settings
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
* relative to the root dir
* -> $resourcesDir = <Project Root>/resources
$resourcesDir = 'resources';
$persistenceDir = $resourcesDir . '/storage/persistence';
$cacheDir = $resourcesDir . '/storage/cache';
// Create WURFL Configuration
$wurflConfig = new \Wurfl\Configuration\InMemoryConfig();
// Set location of the WURFL File
$wurflConfig->wurflFile($resourcesDir . '/');
* Set the match mode for the API
* It is recommended to use the defined class constants instead of their
* string values:
* \Wurfl\Configuration\Config::MATCH_MODE_PERFORMANCE
* \Wurfl\Configuration\Config::MATCH_MODE_ACCURACY
// Setup WURFL Persistence
array(\Wurfl\Configuration\Config::DIR => $persistenceDir)
// Setup Caching
\Wurfl\Configuration\Config::DIR => $cacheDir,
\Wurfl\Configuration\Config::EXPIRATION => 36000
// Create a WURFL Manager from the WURFL Configuration
$wurflManager = new \Wurfl\Manager($wurflConfig);
Now you can use some of the \Wurfl\Manager
class methods;
$device = $wurflManager->getDeviceForHttpRequest($_SERVER);
Set the paths to the location of the main WURFL file (you can use zip files if you have the zip extension enabled)
Configure the Persistence provider by specifying the provider and the extra parameters needed to initialize the provider. The API supports the following mechanisms:
- Memcache (
- APC (Alternative PHP Cache
- Memory
- File
Additional to the official providers the following connectots are added:
- Zend Cache
Configure the Cache provider by specifying the provider and the extra parameters needed to initialize the provider. The API supports the following caching mechanisms:
- Memcache (
- APC (Alternative PHP Cache
- File
- Null (no caching)
Additional to the official providers the following connectots are added:
- Zend Cache
// Create WURFL Configuration
$wurflConfig = new \Wurfl\Configuration\InMemoryConfig();
// Set location of the WURFL File
$wurflConfig->wurflFile($resourcesDir . '/');
* Set the match mode for the API
* It is recommended to use the defined class constants instead of their
* string values:
* \Wurfl\Configuration\Config::MATCH_MODE_PERFORMANCE
* \Wurfl\Configuration\Config::MATCH_MODE_ACCURACY
// Setup WURFL Persistence
array(\Wurfl\Configuration\Config::DIR => $persistenceDir)
// Setup Caching
\Wurfl\Configuration\Config::DIR => $cacheDir,
\Wurfl\Configuration\Config::EXPIRATION => 36000
You have four methods for retrieving a device:
getDeviceForRequest(\Wurfl\Request\GenericRequest $request)
where a \Wurfl\Request\GenericRequest is an object which encapsulates userAgent, ua-profile, support for xhtml of the device. -
Most of the time you will use this method, and the API will create the the \Wurfl\Request\GenericRequest object for you -
getDeviceForUserAgent(string $userAgent)
Used to query the API for a given User Agent string -
getDevice(string $deviceID)
Gets the device by its device ID (ex:apple_iphone_ver1
Usage example:
$device = $wurflManager->getDeviceForHttpRequest($_SERVER);
The properties Device ID and Fall Back Device ID are properties of the device:
$deviceID = $device->id;
$fallBack = $device->fallBack;
To get the value of a capability, use getCapability()
$value = $device->getCapability("is_tablet");
$allCaps = $device->getAllCapabilities();
To get the value of a virtual capability, use getVirtualCapability()
$value = $device->getVirtualCapability("is_smartphone");
$allVCaps = $device->getAllVirtualCapabilities();
The root WURFL device object has some useful functions:
/* @var $device \Wurfl\CustomDevice */
$device = $wurflManager->getDeviceForHttpRequest($_SERVER);
/* @var $root \Wurfl\Xml\ModelDevice */
$root = $device->getRootDevice();
$group_names = $root->getGroupNames();
$cap_names = $root->getCapNames();
$defined = $root->isCapabilityDefined("foobar");
WURFL can update the persistence data automatically without any configuration by checking the modification time of the WURFL file. To enable, set allow-reload to true in the config:
If you have any questions, please take a look at the documentation on, and/or the ScientiaMobile Support Forum at