
Adds a very simple eventing-system to Twine

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twine Events

A simple macro/js framework for Twine that adds pub/sub events. Kind of useful if you're doing fairly complicated scripting and want to simplify things, or otherwise wish to decouple functionality within your Twine game.

How it works

Either from Twine or JS, you can trigger Events which are sent to Listeners. Events have a name and optional data attached to them. Listeners are functions, that specify a particular Event name that they're interested in. When an Event of that name is triggered, any applicable Listener functions will be called with that Event.

This allows you to send data and call functions between Passages, without the source of the data having to know who's interested (and vice-versa). You can have an unlimited amount of Listeners, and call your Events whatever you want.

Check out the example example/simple_events.twee file to see how this can be used.

In Twine

  • To trigger a 'foo' event, use: <<event trigger foo>>

    or as a convenience method:

    <<event foo>>

  • To provide some data with the event, do: <<event foo val1 val2 ... valn>>

  • To attach a listener for 'foo' events, do:

     func = function fn(e){ alert(e.data[0]); } 
     $handler = func
     <<event on foo handler>>

In Javascript

  • To trigger events, call: Events.trigger('foo', ["val1", "val2"]);
  • To register a listener, use: Events.on('foo', function(e){ alert(e.data[0]); });


The data structure of the Event Object is as follows:

	event.type; 		//the base part of the event name. If the event was fired for 'foo.bar.baz', the type will equal 'foo'
	event.namespace; 	//the full name of the event
	event.data; 		//an array containing whatever values were passed when the event was triggered
	event.passage; 		//a reference to the Passage object from which this event was triggered
	event.currentTarget; 	//a reference to the DOM object corresponding to the Event's Passage instance
	event.timestamp; 	//Epoch timestamp indicating when the Event object was created


Events require names (the 'foo' bit in the examples above). However, these can be broken into dot-separated parts - so, you can do <<event foo.bar>> for example.

This way, you can register multiple listeners with different orders of specificity. A listener registered to 'foo' will get any events that start with "foo", including "foo.bar", whereas a listener matching 'foo.bar' will only ever be called against events for "foo.bar". Feel free to email me if that doesn't makes sense, but trust me, it's useful.

Removing listeners

If you add a listener in JS, the method will return an integer index of the listener you have added. var index = Events.on('foo', function(e) {});

You can use this index to remove the same event listener at a later point, by doing: Events.off(index);


Allow the removal of handlers via Twine macro. Add proper bubbling/containment to events.

Comments, forks and pull-requests welcome :)