Laughing Stock

Quartus Primates HackOR 2021 Project Repo

After 48 hours of programming, drawing, laughing, crying, yelling, Taco Bell, and some good ol' Wi-Fi outages coal has turned into an ight gem. Join us on an adventure of a lifetime (which will likely be short) in this humorous horror choose-your-own-adventure game. Hand-drawn art and a "riveting" storyline really make you want to continue, but it seems that you can just never get it correct.

How to Play

  1. Clone the repository and open HackORQuartusPrimates/src/ in your favorite IDE
  2. Click the start button to begin a new game.
  3. Click choices as prompts come up and if the next panel seems off, it definitely isn't an error on our part.
  4. Cry or rejoice if you ever get through.

Known Bug/Fixes (Small Spoilers)

  • Resizing the window will result in the TSA image being shown on some systems.

Speed Run Leaderboards Any%

  1. 0.54 sec (WR) - Peter Jacobson
  2. 0.58 sec - Peter Jacobson


Project Manager

Peter Jacobson @peterj812

Lead Developer

Sam Platt @platt-sam

Script Supervisor, Artist & Developer

Liam Erickson @ericksonl

Research Lead & GUI Guy

Ronin Ganoot @ChichaRonin