

Primary LanguageGo

Madge - The unofficial reporter

Madge is a reporter of issues, Phylum supply chain security issues specifically. Madge translates Phylum issues into tickets for various ticketing systems. Currently, Madge supports:

  • Jira On Prem


Madge is not officially supported by Phylum.

Use case

Alice astutely understands using Phylum instead of an SCA tool enables her to defend her organization's software product from the totality of software supply chain risk. Alice wants to report the Phylum Issues for her project to Bob, her developer co-worker, so he can work on fixing the issues. However, Bob uses Jira for software development tasks, madge can help here!

  1. Alice analyzes her software project with Phylum.
  2. Alice triages the resulting Phylum Issues, resulting in some suppressed issues in her Phylum project.
  3. Alice wants to report the remaining Phylum Issues into Jira, so her developer team member, Bob, can fix the issues.
  4. madge enables Alice to do this


If have you a modern Go toolchain installed:

go install github.com/peterjmorgan/madge-the-reporter@latest

Getting Started

./madge configure - Interactively configure madge

export PHYLUM_TOKEN=XXXXX - Set env variable for Phylum token

export JIRA_TOKEN=XXXXX - Set env variable for Jira Token

./madge jira -j JIRA_PROJECT_KEY -p PHYLUM_PROJECT_ID - Synchronize Phylum Issues in PHYLUM_PROJECT_ID with a Jira project identified by JIRA_PROJECT_KEY

Additional flags:

  • -c specify path to configuration file
  • -d enable debug logging
  • -D enable dry-run mode (do not submit issues to ticketing system)


madge uses a YAML config file named madge_config.yaml. This file can be edited directly, but it is suggested the first configuration be created using the ./madge configure subcommand.

madge looks for the config file in the current working directory. This can be overridden using the -c PATH_TO_CONFIG flag.

Tokens for the ticketing system and Phylum are written to the environment, and need to be present for authenticated operation. Madge expects the following environment variables with associated tokens:

  • PHYLUM_TOKEN - Phylum API token. Retrievable from a configured Phylum CLI with phylum auth token
  • JIRA_TOKEN - Jira Personal Access Token.

Interactive configuration using configure will write tokens to the current environment.

Phylum -> Jira

By default, madge creates Jira issues using the 'Bug' Issue Type in Jira. This can be defined in the madge configuration.

Phylum Field Jira Field Configurable? Intended Type
Issue Title Summary No N/A
Issue Description Description No N/A
Issue Impact (severity) Undefined Yes Select
Vulnerability CWE Undefined Yes Short Text
Recommendation/Remediation Undefined Yes Text

Undefined Jira fields are intended to be custom fields in Jira configured with the Intended Type.

The configure subcommand asks the user to specify the information required for madge to submit the correct information to the custom fields.


  1. User checks out a software project locally (git et al.)
  2. User analyzes a software project with Phylum (phylum analyze, or CI automation)
  3. User triages Phylum Issues in Phylum Web UI
  4. User invokes madge configure in the local software project directory to create madge_config.yaml
  5. User dry-runs madge using the -D flag to ensure the everything is properly configured, and the issues to be added look correct
  6. User runs madge to add Phylum Issues to the ticketing system
  7. User commits madge_config.yaml to the VCS system (git et al.) so other users can repeat the process when necessary
  8. Developers use the ticketing system to fix issues
  9. Phylum analyze is ran again on the updated software project iteratively to confirm issues are fixed
  10. Madge is ran again to repopulate the ticketing system with remaining and/or new Phylum Issues