
A simple Ruby stasis site to parse GDS Goals from a CSV into a nice looking format.

Primary LanguageHTML

OKR Report Site

A simple Ruby stasis site to parse GDS Goals from a CSV into a nice looking format.

Getting Startged

  1. Install Stasis gem install stasis
  2. Export a 'data.csv' file with 'group_name', 'group_objective', and 'group_key_result' columns
  3. Run stasis -d to enter development mode.
  4. Tweak code.
  5. browse files generated in public/*
  6. Publish public/* to some host

S3 Deployment

s3cmd sync public/ s3://<BUCKET_NAME> -P --rexclude=.git* --delete-removed --rexclude=.DS* --rexclude=.sass* --rexclude=*.sh

s3cmd: http://s3tools.org/s3cmd