Code accompanying the manuscript "Climate model code genealogy and its relation to climate feedbacks and sensitivity"
This repository contains code to accompanying the manuscript Climate model code genealogy and its relation to climate feedbacks and sensitivity.
The code contains programs for calculating climate model averaging weights based on multiple choices of model "democracy":
: All model runs (here also called "variants") are equal.model
: All models are
: All institutes are
: All countries are equal.code
(ancestry): Model weights are calculated based on a model code genealogy.
The programs are to be run on Linux or another unix-like operating system in the Bash shell.
System requirements:
- Python 3.9
- NetCDF4 (tested with 4.7.4)
On Debian-based Linux distributions, these can be installed with:
apt install python3 libnetcdf-dev
The required Python packages are listed in requirements.txt
and can be
installed with:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Input files are stored in the input
: CMIP5 models table from IPCC AR6.ar6_cmip6.csv
: CMIP6 models table from IPCC AR6.cmip5.tar.xz
: CMIP5 temperature data.cmip6.tar.xz
: CMIP6 temperature data.CMIP5_ECS_ERF_fbks.csv
: CMIP5 feedback, forcing and ECS data from mzelinka/cmip56_forcing_feedback_ecs.CMIP5_ECS_ERF_fbks.txt
: The same as the above but in the original format.CMIP6_ECS_ERF_fbks.csv
: CMIP6 feedback, forcing and ECS data from mzelinka/cmip56_forcing_feedback_ecs.CMIP6_ECS_ERF_fbks.txt
: The same as the above but in the original
: HadCRUT global temperature data.models.csv
: A CSV file containing a database of climate models and their code genealogy. A list of references can be found in the supplement.subset.csv
: An example subset file listing models to calculate weights for.zelinka2021_table_S1.csv
: Table S1 from Zelinka et al. (2021).zelinka2021_table_S2.csv
: Table S2 from Zelinka et al. (2021).
Before using the scripts, the input files need to be prepared by unpacking
the archives cmip5.tar.xz
and cmip6.tar.xz
The directory img
contains images:
: A model code genealogy graph in plain SVG.climate_model_code_genealogy_inkscape.svg
: The same as above, but this is the source file in Inkscape SVG.
Programs are stored in the bin
Calculate statistical significance in feedback by group difference between the overall mean and the group mean.
Usage: calc_bayes INPUT OUTPUT
INPUT Input file. The output of plot_feedbacks_by_group (NetCDF).
OUTPUT Output file (NetCDF).
bin/calc_bayes data/ data/
bin/calc_bayes data/ data/
Calculate model count by family, institute and country.
Usage: calc_model_count INPUT OUTPUT
INPUT Input file with models (CSV).
OUTPUT Output file (NetCDF).
bin/calc_model_count input/models.csv data/
Calculate model statistics.
Usage: calc_model_stats INPUT MODELS
INPUT Input data (CSV). The table should contain a column "Model" identifying the model, and an arbitrary number of other columns to calculate statistics for.
MODELS Table of all models (CSV).
bin/calc_model_stats input/zelinka2021_table_S1.csv input/models.csv > data/model_stats_zelinka2021_table_S1.csv
bin/calc_model_stats input/ar6_cmip5.csv input/models.csv > data/model_stats_ar6_cmip5.csv
bin/calc_model_stats input/ar6_cmip6.csv input/models.csv > data/model_stats_ar6_cmip6.csv
Calculate model weights based on code genealogy.
Usage: model_weights TYPE MODELS [SUBSET]
TYPE Type of "democracy". One of: "variant", "model", "institute", "country", "code", "family".
MODELS Table of all models (CSV).
SUBSET List of models to calculate weights for (CSV).
The models CSV file should be "models.csv", supplied with the code. The optional
subset CSV file should contains a single column "Model" with a list of models,
referring to a model or a variant in the "Model" or "CMIPx names" columns
of the models file, respectively.
bin/model_weights code input/models.csv > data/model_weights_code.csv
bin/model_weights code input/models.csv input/subset.csv > data/model_weights_code_subset.csv
Plot variable-weight diagram.
Usage: plot_var_weight VAR MODELS INPUT OUTPUT TITLE
VAR Variable to plot on the x-axis.
MODELS Table of all models (CSV).
CMIP Input data (CSV). The table should contain a column "Model" identifying the model, and columns for variables.
OUTPUT Output plot (PDF).
TITLE Plot title.
bin/plot_var_weight ECS input/models.csv input/CMIP5_ECS_ERF_fbks.csv plot/ecs_weight_cmip5.pdf CMIP5
bin/plot_var_weight ECS input/models.csv input/CMIP6_ECS_ERF_fbks.csv plot/ecs_weight_cmip6.pdf CMIP6
Plot bar plot with model feedbacks.
Usage: plot_feedbacks MODELS CMIP5 CMIP6 OUTPUT
MODELS Table of all models (CSV).
CMIP5, CMIP6 Input data (CSV). The table should contain a column "Model" identifying the model, and columns to calculate statistics for.
OUTPUT Output plot (PDF).
bin/plot_feedbacks input/models.csv input/CMIP{5,6}_ECS_ERF_fbks.csv plot/feedbacks.pdf
Plot bar plot with model feedbacks by model group (family or country).
GROUP Group to show. One of: "family", "country".
SEP CMIP5 and CMIP6 separate or together. One of "separate", "together".
MODELS Table of all models (CSV).
CMIP5, CMIP6 Input data (CSV). The table should contain a column "Model" identifying the model, and columns to calculate statistics for.
OUTPUT Output plot (PDF).
OUTPUT_CMIP5 CMIP5 plot data output (NetCDF).
OUTPUT_CMIP6 CMIP6 plot data output (NetCDF).
BAYES_CMIP5 CMIP5 Bayes test input (NetCDF).
BAYES_CMIP6 CMIP5 Bayes test input (NetCDF).
bin/plot_feedbacks_by_group family separate input/models.csv input/CMIP{5,6}_ECS_ERF_fbks.csv plot/feedbacks_by_family.pdf
bin/plot_feedbacks_by_group family separate input/models.csv input/CMIP{5,6}_ECS_ERF_fbks.csv plot/feedbacks_by_family.pdf data/feedbacks_by_family_cmip{5,6}.nc
bin/plot_feedbacks_by_group family separate input/models.csv input/CMIP{5,6}_ECS_ERF_fbks.csv plot/feedbacks_by_family.pdf data/feedbacks_by_family_cmip{5,6}.nc data/feedbacks_by_family_cmip{5,6}
Plot global mean near-surface air temperature.
MODELS Table of models (CSV).
CONTROL Input directory with model tas - piControl or none (NetCDF).
TAS Input directory with model tas - experiment (NetCDF).
HADCRUT Input HadCRUT file (NetCDF).
OUTPUT Output plot (PDF).
Y1 Start year.
Y2 End year.
TITLE Plot title.
divider: VALUE Year to plot vertical divider on.
bin/plot_tas input/models.csv none input/cmip6/historical/tas input/ plot/tas_cmip6_historical.pdf 1850 2014 'CMIP6 historical'
bin/plot_tas input/models.csv none input/cmip6/historical+ssp245/tas input/ plot/tas_cmip6_historical+ssp245.pdf 1850 2099 'CMIP6 historical + SSP2-4.5' divider: 2015
bin/plot_tas input/models.csv input/cmip6/{piControl,abrupt-4xCO2}/tas none plot/tas_cmip6_abrupt-4xCO2.pdf 1 150 'CMIP6 abrupt-4xCO2'
bin/plot_tas input/models.csv input/cmip6/{piControl,1pctCO2}/tas none plot/tas_cmip6_1pctCO2.pdf 1 150 'CMIP6 1pctCO2'
bin/plot_tas input/models.csv none input/cmip5/historical/tas input/ plot/tas_cmip5_historical.pdf 1850 2005 'CMIP5 historical'
bin/plot_tas input/models.csv none input/cmip5/historical+rcp45/tas input/ plot/tas_cmip5_historical+rcp45.pdf 1850 2099 'CMIP5 historical + RCP4.5' divider: 2006
bin/plot_tas input/models.csv input/cmip5/{piControl,abrupt-4xCO2}/tas none plot/tas_cmip5_abrupt-4xCO2.pdf 1 140 'CMIP5 abrupt-4xCO2'
bin/plot_tas input/models.csv input/cmip5/{piControl,1pctCO2}/tas none plot/tas_cmip5_1pctCO2.pdf 1 140 'CMIP5 1pctCO2'
This code is open source and can be used freely under the terms of an MIT license as detailed in the file
The data in the input
directory come from various external sources as linked
in the Input files section above, except for the files
and subset.csv
which are internal data files of this project.
The data from the external sources can be used according to the conditions set
by the original external source. The internal files and output data files in the
directory data
are in the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain
Dedication). To the extent
possible under law, Peter Kuma has waived all copyright and related or
neighboring rights to the internal data files. Attribution in the form of a
citation of the
manuscript is
This documentation (
), the image files in the img
and the output plots in the directory plot
are licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY
4.0). A copy of this license is
included in this repository in the file LICENSE_CC.txt.