
  1. Preprocessor
  2. Literals
  3. Constants
  4. Declarations
  5. Statements
  6. Attributes
  7. Expressions
  8. Functions
  9. Lambda
  10. Namespaces
  11. Math
  12. Floating point math
  13. String
  14. Array
  15. Vec
  16. Dict
  17. Keyset
  18. Vector
  19. Map
  20. Set
  21. Pair
  22. References


// A single line comment.
# Also a single line comment.
/* A multi line comment.

 * A doc comment starts with two asterisks.
 * It summarises the purpose of a definition, such as a
 * function, class or method.
require_once(__DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.hack'); // Loads autoloader


Attributes attach metadata to Hack definitions

<<__EntryPoint>> // Begins a Hack program


255, 0377, 0xff             // Integers (decimal, octal, hex)
123.0, 1.23e2               // float (real) numbers
'\n', '\\', '\'', '\"'      // Newline, backslash, single quote, double quote
"Hello"                     // string containing 5 characters
" -123"                     // numeric string
'2e+5'                      // numeric string
true, false                 // bool constants 1 and 0
  $var = 42;                // Heredoc literal
  $s = <<<ID            
Wow, look at this text!
We can even have a semicolon here! ; or '' or ""!
Variable substitution: $var
ID;                         // Trailing ID must have no spaces
  echo ">$s<\n";
$s = <<<'ID'                // Nowdoc literal, no variable substitution
Wow, look at this text!
We can even have a semicolon here! ; or '' or ""!
Variable substitution: $var // will print '$var'
echo ">$s<\n";
$x = 123;
echo ">\$x.$x"."<\n";       // >$x.123< \$x escapes var
null                        // null literal, used to initialize

$d = dict["red" => 4, "white" =>12, "blue" => 3];
$e = $d["white"]; // designates the element with key "white" value 12
$d["red"] = 9;    // changes the element with key "red" from 4 to 9

type IdSet = shape('id' => ?string, 'url' => ?string, 'count' => int);

function get_IdSet(): IdSet {
  return shape('id' => null, 'url' => null, 'count' => 0);


PHP_INT_MAX        // 2147483647 in 32 bit, 9223372036854775807 in 64
PHP_INT_MIN        //-2147483648) in 32 bit,-9223372036854775807 in 64
PHP_EOL            // Line break


const int MAX_VALUE = 100;           // MAX_VALUE is an integer constant
private int $value = 0;              // $value is an integer value
$val = true;                         // true or false, may also use int (1 or 0)
$count = 10;                         // declare int
$colors1 = vec["green", "yellow"];   // create a vec of two elements
$colors1[] = "blue";                 // add element 2 with value "blue"
$colors2 = dict[];                   // create an empty dict
$colors2[4] = "black";               // create element 4 with value "black"
$colors3 = array();                  // create empty array
$colors3 = ["red", "white", "blue"]; // create array<string> with 3 elements
$colors3[] = "green";                // insert a new element 3


if ($x) a;                   // If $x is true (not 0), evaluate a
else if ($y) b;              // If not $x and y (optional, may be repeated)
elseif ($z) c;               // If not $x and y (optional, may be repeated)
else c;                      // If not $x and not y (optional)

while ($x) a;                // Repeat 0 or more times while $x is true

$colors = vec["red", "white", "blue"];
for ($i=0; $i<count($colors)>; $i++) $colors[i]; // Iterate over collection of three strings
foreach ($colors as $color) {} // Iterate over collection of three strings
foreach ($colors as $key => $color) {} // Iterate with key and value
foreach ($colors as $key => $_) {} // red, white and blue are ignored

foreach($vec_of_tuples as list($here, $there)) // 
foreach($vec_of_tuples as $key => list($here, $there))

do a; while ($x);            // Equivalent to: a; while($x) a;

switch ($x) {                // $x must be int
    case X1: a;              // If $x == X1 (must be a const), jump here
    case X2: b;              // Else if $x == X2, jump here
    default: c;              // Else jump here (optional)

break;                       // Jump out of while, do, or for loop, or switch
continue;                    // Jump to bottom of while, do, or for loop
return x4;                   // Return $x from function to caller

                             // Using state enforces object disposal
using ($f1 = new TextFile("file1.txt", "rw")) {
//  echo "\$f1 is >" . $f1 . "<\n";  // usage not permitted
    echo "\$f1 is >" . $f1->__toString() . "<\n";} 

{ using $f4 = TextFile::open_TextFile("file4.txt", "rw");
  using $f5 = new TextFile("file5.txt", "rw");
  // ... work with both files
} // __dispose is called here for both $f4 and $f5

throw new someException();   // Generate exception of given type
try {}                       // Try possible exception generations
catch () {}                  // Define a handler for type of exception
finally {}                   // Occurs whether or not exception occured in try block

namespace UseNS {
  const int CON = 100;}      // Use statement permits names from
use const UseNS\CON;         // one namespace to another
echo "CON = ".\UseNS\CON."\n"; // access const CON by fully qualified 
echo "CON = ".CON."\n";        // access by abbreviated name


function add_one(int $x): int {
  return $x + 1;

function add_value(int $x, int $y = 1): int {
  return $x + $y;

function sum_ints(int $val, int ...$vals): int { // variable number of args
  $result = $val;
  foreach ($vals as $v) {
    $result += $v;
  return $result;

// Passing positional arguments.
sum_ints(1, 2, 3);

// You can also pass a collection into a variadic parameter.
$args = vec[1, 2, 3];
sum_ints(0, ...$args);

function apply_func(int $v, (function(int): int) $f): int {
  return $f($v);

function usage_example(): void { // Pass func as value
  $x = apply_func(0, $x ==> $x + 1);


$f = $x ==> $x + 1;  // Defines lambda, note 'fat arrow' ==>
$f2 = $x ==> { return $x + 1; }; // Can also be block

$two = $f(1);

$f = (int $x): int ==> $x + 1;   // optional type

$v = vec[1, 2];
$v_new = await Vec\map_async( // $v_new = vec[dict['v1'=>1, 'v2'=>2],
  $v,                         //              dict['v1'=>2, 'v2'=>4]]; 
  async ($v_item) ==> {
    return shape(
      'v1' => $v_item,
      'v2' => $v_item + $v_item,


String Operators Concatenation operator '.' Concatenation assignment operator '.='

1 is int;                  // true
'foo' is int;              // false

enum MyEnum: int {
  FOO = 1;
1 is MyEnum                // true
42 is MyEnum               // false
'foo' is MyEnum            // false

1 as int;                  // 1
'foo' as int;              // TypeAssertionException

1 ?as int;                 // 1
'foo' ?as int;             // null

$a = "Hello ";
$b = $a . "World!";        // now $b contains "Hello World!"

$a = "Hello ";
$a .= "World!";            // now $a contains "Hello World!"
$a = '12345';

vec[10,20] == vec[10,20.0]  // result has value true
vec[10,20] === vec[10,20.0] // result has value false
dict["red"=>0,"green"=>0] === dict["red"=>0,"green"=>0] // result has value true
dict["red"=>0,"green"=>0] === dict["green"=>0,"red"=>0] // result has value false

Vec\sort(Vec\map(vec[2, 1, 3], 
$a ==> $a * $a))           // Evaluates to vec[1,4,9]

$x = vec[2,1,3]            // Chain function calls with |> 
  |> Vec\map($$, $a ==> $a * $a) // $$ with value vec[2,1,3]
  |> Vec\sort($$); // $$ with value vec[4,1,9], evaluates to vec[1,4,9]

// This works:
echo "qwe{$a}rty";         // qwe12345rty, using braces
echo "qwe" . $a . "rty";   // qwe12345rty, concatenation used

// Does not work:
echo 'qwe{$a}rty';         // qwe{$a}rty, single quotes are not parsed
echo "qwe$arty";           // qwe, because $a became $arty, which is undefined

class Point {
  private float $x;
  private float $y;

  public function __toString(): string {
    return '('.$this->x.','.$this->y.')';

echo $p1                  // Implicit call to __toString()
exit ("Closing down\n");  // Writes optional string, then 
exit (1);                 // register_shutdown_function in order of registration


namespace NS1
...                         // __NAMESPACE__ is "NS1"
namespace N {
    function f(): void {
    echo "In ".__FUNCTION__."\n";
\N\f();                     // Use function f in namespace N
use namespace N\f;          // Make f visible


$q = intdiv($n1, $n2);      // Integer quotient of n1/n2

Floating point math

sin(x); cos(x); tan(x);     // Trig functions, x (double) is in radians
asin(x); acos(x); atan(x);  // Inverses
atan2(y, x);                // atan(y/x)
sinh(x); cosh(x); tanh(x);  // Hyperbolic sin, cos, tan functions
exp(x); log(x); log10(x);   // e to the x, log base e, log base 10
pow(x, y); sqrt(x);         // x to the y, square root
ceil(x); floor(x);          // Round up or down (as a double)
fabs(x); fmod(x, y);        // Absolute value, x mod y


$chars = str_split($inputString);
foreach($chars as $c){}      // Iterate through char in string
is_numeric($c);              // number or a numeric string
count_chars($s, 1);          // count occurences and return 0-4 different results 0-array char=>freq, 1-array char > 0 freq, 2-array char=0 freq, 3-string with all unique, 4-string with all not used chars
foreach (count_chars($data, 1) as $i => $val) {
   echo "There were $val instance(s) of \"" , chr($i) , "\" in the string.\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++){} // Iterate through string
implode('',$arr);            // Join array elements with a string
explode('@',$address);       // split string into by char
$newstr = strrev($str);      // return reversed string
$beg = substr($str, 2);      // return cdef from abcdef
$beg = substr($str, 2, 1);   // return c from abcd
ctype_digit($str);           // return true if string is hex digit
strval(2);                   // convert int to string
$mystr .= "somestring";      // Append string operator
Str\length("somestring");    // string length = 10 


Regular PHP Array (ordered map), listed here for completeness. Use Hack primities for new code going forward.

$a = array[];	                  // Initialize empty	
$a = array[1, 2, 3];            // Literal
$a = array("foo" => "bar");     // Literal
$a = array(1 => "a",            // Literal, multiple types
    "1"  => "b");
var_dump($a);                   // Outputs values
arr = array(5 => 1, 12 => 2);
$arr[] = 56;                    // This is the same as $arr[13] = 56;
$arr["x"] = 42;                 // This adds a new element to
                                // the array with key "x"
unset($arr[5]);                 // This removes the element from the array
unset($arr);                    // This deletes the whole array
$array = array_values($array);  // Re-index values to new array
$sum = array_sum($array);       // Sum the array
$slice = array_slice($a, 2);    // Return selected parts of the array
$keys = array_keys($a, 3)       // Return keys of whose value matches '3'
$rtn = array_filter($votes, function($v) use ($max, $k)
        return $v + $k > $max;
    }                           // Return array whose values match function
foreach (range(0, 3, 1) as $n){ // Create Array w range of elements
    echo $n; }                  // array(0, 1, 2, 3)
$ed = end($arr)                 // last element in array
$st = $arr[0]                   // first element in array

Multi Dimensional Arrays

$array = array(
    "foo" => "bar",
    42    => 24,
    "multi" => array(
         "dimensional" => array(
             "array" => "foo"



There are many helpful functions in the C, Vec, Keyset and Dict namespaces.

$v = vec[];	                // Initialize empty	
$v = vec[1, 2, 3];          // Literal
$v = vec($container);	      // From Another Container
$v = Vec\keys($container);  // Keys from Container	
$v[] = 4;	                  // Add Elements
$v = Vec\concat($t1, $t2)	  // Bulk Add Elements	
Vec\drop($v,$n),            // Remove Elements is unsupported
$first=C\pop_front(inout $x), 
$last=C\pop_back(inout $x)
C\contains_key($v, 1)       // Key Existence
C\contains($v, 3)           // Value Existence
$v1 === $v2                 // Equality (Order-Dependent)
C\count($v)                 // Count Elements (i.e., length, size of array)
vec<Tv>                     // Type Signature	
$v is vec<_>	              // Type Refinement	
Vec\from_async($v)          // Awaitable Consolidation


$d = dict[];	               // Initialize empty	
$d = dict['foo' => 1];       // Literal
$d = dict($keyed_container); // From Another Container
$d['baz'] = 2;	             // Add Elements
$d = Dict\merge($kt1, $kt2)	 // Bulk Add Elements	
unset($d['baz']);	           // Remove Elements	
C\contains_key($d, 'foo')    // Key Existence
C\contains($d, 2)            // Value Existence
$d1 === $d2                  // Equality (Order-Dependent)
Dict\equal($d1, $d2)         // Equality (Order-Independent)
C\count($d)                  // Count Elements (i.e., length, size of array)
dict<Tk, Tv>                 // Type Signature	
$d is dict<_, _>	           // Type Refinement	
Dict\from_async($d)          // Awaitable Consolidation

$d = = dict[11 => 101, 12 => 102];  
Dict\from_values($d, $x ==> $x+1); // Dict([104] => 101, [105] => 102)
Dict\from_keys($d, $x ==> $x+1);   // Dict([101] => 104, [102] => 105)


$k = keyset[];	             // Initialize empty	
$k = keyset['foo', 'bar'];   // Literal
$k = keyset($container);     // From Another Container
$k = Keyset\keys($container);// Keys from Container
$k[] = 'baz';	               // Add Elements
$k = Keyset\union($t1, $t2)  // Bulk Add Elements	
unset($k['baz']);	           // Remove Elements	
C\contains_key($k, 'foo')    // Key Existence
C\contains_key($k, 'foo')    // Value Existence
$k1 === $k2                  // Equality (Order-Dependent)
Keyset\equal($k1, $k2)       // Equality (Order-Independent)
C\count($k)                  // Count Elements (i.e., length, size of array)
keyset<Tk>                   // Type Signature	
$k is keyset<_>  	           // Type Refinement	
Keyset\from_async($x)        // Awaitable Consolidation


Vector::fromKeysOf($d)      // convert php dict keys to vector
new Vector($d)              // convert php dict to vector
new Vector($v)              // convert vec to vector
new Vector($k)              // convert keyset to vector


new Map($d)                 // convert php dict to map
new Map($v)                 // convert vec to map
new Map($k)                 // convert keyset to map


Set::fromKeysOf($d)         // convert php dict keys to set
new Set($d)                 // convert php dict values to set
new Set($v)                 // convert vec to set
new Set($k)                 // convert keyset to set



HHVM - Hack Lang virtual machine