
A library for simple text search and replacement with chaining regular expressions or strings.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Regexp


A chainable regular expression wrapper for text search and replacement.


var srxp = require('simple-regexp'); 
srxp('hi this is a simple text').word().include('s'); // ['this', 'is', 'simple']

or finds all links in a html document without rel="nofollow"

srxp(html).between('<a', '>').exclude('rel="nofollow"').between('href="', '"').matches();

or do a text replacement

srxp('where is my dog?').match(/dog/g).replace('cat').text(); //where is my cat?



npm install simple-regexp


bower install simple-regexp

Or just copy dist/srxp.js to you javascript folder.



The pattern in-parameter

Some metod has one or more pattern as in-parameter. Patterns are either a string or RegExp.

Strings are converted before turned into a regular expression. Single spaces are turn into one or more spaces, tabs, newlines (\s+). Special chars as [, ( are escaped. The global flag is used.

RegExp are used as they are with flags.


srxp instances are chainable to make it simple to write complex searches in a easy and understandable way. See examples above.


Returns a simple regexp instance. The inparameter is the text to use as source.

.between(startpattern, endpattern)

Find text between patterns. The start and end patterns are paired

srxp('a (b c (d) e)').between('(', ')').matches();     //['b c (d) e', 'd']

compared with a simple regexp where pairing of patterns is hard

'a (b c (d) e)'.match(/\((.*)\)/);      //["(b c (d) e)", "b c (d) e"]
'a (b c (d) e)'.match(/\((.*?)\)/);     //["(b c (d)", "b c (d"]

It might be possible with recursive regexp, ?R, but it's not supported in js.


Exclude matches with pattern

srxp('abcd aBcd abcd').between('a','d').exclude('B').matches();  //['bc', 'bc']


Include only matches including the pattern.

srxp('abcd aBcd abcd').between('a','d').include('B').matches();     //['Bc'])

It's similar to match but returns the whole string instead of only the matches.

srxp('abcd aBcd abcd').between('a','d').match('B').matches();     //['B'])

.match(pattern1, pattern2 ...)

Match patterns and adds them to matches. Several patterns can be used to match one pattern or another.

srxp('ab bb cb cc').match('ab', 'cb').matches();    //['ab', 'cb']

to match with and you have to chain the matches

srxp('ab bb cb cc').match(/.b/g).match(/c./g).matches()    //['cb']


Returns the array of matches. See most examples.


replaces the matched strings. To fetch the source with the replaced strings use .text()

srxp('abcdefghij').match('a', 'e', 'i').replace('VOWEL').text() //VOWELbcdVOWELfghVOWELj

newValue can also be a array and the replaces are user from the array.

srxp('abcdefghij').match('a', 'e', 'i').replace(['V1', 'V2']).text() //V1bcdV2fghij

Or a function.

var replace = function(text, index, length){
    return text.toUpperCase() + '@' + index;
srxp('abcdefghij').match(/[aei]/g).replace(replace).text() //A@0bcdE@4fghI@8j

.size(atLeast, atMost)

Include only matches with given length.

  var str = 'abcd abc abcd';
  srxp(str).word().size(3).matches();              // exact 3 chars ['abc']
  srxp(str).word().size(4,6).matches();            // 4 to 6 chars ['abcd', 'abcd']
  srxp(str).word().size(undefined, 3).matches();   // less or equal 3 chars ['abc'];


returns the source text including replacements, se .replace() above.


Splits a string into words. Alias for .match(/[\w]+/g).


Returns a string with spaces, tabs and newlines removed from start and end of the string. It also converts multiple spaces, tabs and newlines into one space.


  • npm install to install dependencies
  • grunt run to build, start development server and watch for changes

To test the script in a browser run grunt run and then in your browser navigate to

data:text/html,<html><script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:8888/srxp.js"></script></html>

And do the testing in the developer console.


There are some test coverage. It could of course be more comprehensive

grunt test