
Web Application Fuzz Testing Tool for SE 331 Engineering Secure Software

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Web Application Fuzz Testing Tool for SE 331 Engineering Secure Software.

Project Description


This application requires Ruby >=2.0, Bundler, and the Mechanize gem (available from RubyGems). To install Mechanize, run bundle install from the project root directory.


fuzz [discover | test] url OPTIONS

  discover  Output a comprehensive, human-readable list of all discovered inputs to the system. Techniques include both crawling and guessing. 
  test      Discover all inputs, then attempt a list of exploit vectors on those inputs. Report potential vulnerabilities.

  --custom-auth=string     Signal that the fuzzer should use hard-coded authentication for a specific application (e.g. dvwa). Optional.

  Discover options:
    --common-words=file    Newline-delimited file of common words to be used in page guessing and input guessing. Required.

  Test options:
    --vectors=file         Newline-delimited file of common exploits to vulnerabilities. Required.
    --sensitive=file       Newline-delimited file data that should never be leaked. It's assumed that this data is in the application's database (e.g. test data), but is not reported in any response. Required.
    --random=[true|false]  When off, try each input to each page systematically.  When on, choose a random page, then a random input field and test all vectors. Default: false.
    --slow=500             Number of milliseconds considered when a response is considered "slow". Default is 500 milliseconds

  # Discover inputs 
  fuzz discover http://localhost:8080 --common-words=mywords.txt

  # Discover inputs to DVWA using our hard-coded authentication 
  fuzz discover http://localhost:8080 --common-words=mywords.txt

  # Discover and Test DVWA without randomness
  fuzz test http://localhost:8080 --custom-auth=dvwa --common-words=words.txt --vectors=vectors.txt --sensitive=creditcards.txt --random=false




  • Peter Mikitsh
  • Akshay Karnawat
  • Matthew Stevens