
Corpus of papers on 195Pt NMR


Corpus of papers on 195Pt NMR

Stefan Kuhn added a number of papers. All have 195Pt shifts in them, and they are in principle readable (so none where humans already struggle). Method: searched PMC for 195Pt NMR, restricted that to Research Articles (leaving out a few reviews) and to “Free to read & use”. Looked from the top. Left out everything which either did not actually contain 195Pt shifts or was difficult to understand.

I distinuish a number of common types to report spectra:

Type 1:

For each compound, there is a section like this:

cis-Dichloro-24-[(N-20-aminoeth-10-yl-N)aminocholane-3,6-diol-N]platinum(II) (22c) IR (ATR, cm1): 3393, 3198, 3133, 2929, 2860, 1627, 1453, 1373, 1031; 195Pt NMR (86 MHz, DMF) : -2336.1; HRMS calcd for C26H48Cl2N2O2 196Pt [M + Na]+: 709.2652 found: 709.2644.

In general, this is:

name (mol id in bold) [other text] 195Pt NMR (frequency, solvent) delta: shiftlist [other text]

Structures are in one or several figures, identified by bold numbers.

In the current selection, papers of type 1 are PMC6747965 PMC7036801 PMC7693294 PMC7727669 PMC7768359 PMC8038112 PMC8251955 PMC8320711 PMC8402032 PMC8456496 PMC8688915 PMC8713121 PMC8892954 PMC8906972 PMC9029360

These have experimental section, but not the bold structure numbers:

PMC7894172 PMC7998721 PMC8156256 PMC8998453

Type 2:

Structures are one or several figures, identified by bold numbers. Shifts are given in a table like this:

Complex Ox. State delta Pt (ppm) 195Pt NMR delta C (ppm) 13C NMR
1 +II -4313 125.1
2 +II -3814 138.2
3 +II -3356 154.7
4 +II -3351 n.o.
5 +II -3304 n.o.
6 +IV -2196 n.o.
7 +IV -2168 113.4

Type 3: Shifts are in running text. It can be similar to the experimental section:

Combustion and spectral analyses for the cis complex 1: Elemental analysis for formula C8H10N6O4Cl2Pt of compound 1: ... 195Pt NMR (acetone-d6, external standard references K2PtCl4, delta [ppm] = -1618): delta [ppm] = -2091. ... 2: Elemental analysis for formula C8H10N6O4Cl2Pt of the trans-complex 2: ... 195Pt NMR (acetone-d6, external standard reference K2PtCl4, delta [ppm] = -1618): delta [ppm] = -2119. ...