A customizable fuzzy-search-style command palette. Think Cmd+P/Ctrl+P in your favorite editor/IDE. It's intent is to be used in Elixir-based applications that accept input from users and present results back (e.g. Phoenix, or a CLI).
This is currently in a very early stage. Although I've been thinking about this for a while and have plans to build it out, it is currently not in a usable/reliable (or potentially even working) state.
In the future I'm thinking I will split this into separate libraries to support the different use-cases I can think of (Phoenix LiveView, non-LiveView Websockets, stateful HTTP calls, CLI), and may also make a corresponding Javascript library (or hook it up to an existing one)
If you have ideas for features you'd like to see, or can see problems that I'm missing I greatly appreciate Issues
- "dumb" example LiveView (not a library yet)
- static text content
- render-only (i.e. no client-side commands)
- 0-arity commands
- e.g. UUID generation
- Javascript-based display
- LiveView Hooks and/or Phoenix Channels
- hotkeys.js, or something manual, for "selection"/navigation/traversal keys (Cmd-P, Enter, Tab, Right/Left)
- fuzzy-matching still on server
- n-arity commands on server-only - not from user input - results still output-only (NO redirect_to/sign_out) - passing conn/socket/Map-context/Map-context+fn(command_result) - e.g. "Paragraph of Lorem Ipsum" -> lorem_ipsum(length: :paragraph),
- client-side input to n-arity commands
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding fuzzy_commander
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:fuzzy_commander, "~> 0.0.1"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/fuzzy_commander.