
This project is about building a software to support the management in the hotel in order to help the manager to manage his hotel effectively.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to my Windows Forms Project

This project is about building a software to support the management in the hotel in order to help the manager to manage his hotel effectively. The project will work best on Desktop

About this project:

  • Using 3-layers architecture
  • Using MPV (Model-Presenter-View) pattern
  • Using Repository pattern and Singleton pattern
  • Using MS SQL for database management
  • Using ADO.NET in order to connect to the database

© peterndta


- Login

This is an image

- Home

This is an image

- Room Management

This is an image

Change room type

This is an image


This is an image

- Employee Management

This is an image

Employee Info

This is an image

- Customer Management

This is an image

- Room Details

This is an image

For more information regarding this project, view the documents Group-Project Basic-Cross-Platform-Application-Programming-with-.NET attached above