
Integrate SimplePie within your CodeIgniter application

Primary LanguagePHP

CodeIgniter SimplePie Integration

CodeIgniter SimplePie Integration is a simple library to use SimplePie within your CodeIgniter application. The latest SimplePie version (1.3.1) is included in this release


  1. CodeIgniter 2.0.0+


Available via CodeIgniter Sparks. For info about how to install sparks, go here: http://getsparks.org/install

You can then load the spark with this:


or by autoloading:

$autoload['sparks'] = array('ci-simplepie/1.0.1');


After loading, you have this object available:


This is just the regular SimplePie object, so for further assistance on how to use SimplePie, you can have a look at the SimplePie documentation over here: http://simplepie.org/wiki/