
Asynchronous PAM authentication for NodeJS 0.8.0 and later (using libuv and gyp)

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Asynchronous PAM authentication for NodeJS 0.8.0 and later (using libuv and gyp)

You will most likely need to run it as root in most common environments! Running as non-root on my system (openSUSE 12.1) made a segfault happen somewhere in libpam!

It tries to superseed the previous and outdated node-pam extension with the following improvements:

  • Allows to provide own service name, for example common-auth or any custom service name defined in /etc/pam.d
  • Allows to provide PAM_RHOST via 'remoteHost' option. It is used to provide remote network authentication that will skip any local only authentication methods like for example fingerprint reading.
  • Already mentioned utilization of libuv and node-gyp
  • Proper type checking in C++ code, it throws exception if bad types are given
  • In case of error it passes the error string containing both pam function and pam_strerror() results


Simple usage

Default service_name for pam_start(2) is 'login'.

var pam = require('authenticate-pam');
pam.authenticate('myusername', 'mysecretpassword', function(err) {
    if(err) {
    else {

Usage with options:

Proper apps should provide their own service name. Sample services are located in /etc/pam.d. As an example lookup a service name file for sshd. To do proper network authentication you should also provide remoteHost key to the options argument. It will be passed to pam as PAM_RHOST (pam_set_item(2))

var pam = require('authenticate-pam');
pam.authenticate('rush', 'mysecretpassword', function(err) {
    if(err) {
    else {
}, {serviceName: 'myapp', remoteHost: 'localhost'});


npm install authenticate-pam