Test project showing difference in speed for execution of Arquillian tests between JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6
Note that this project requires you to have JBoss EAP in an internal repository under the Maven coordinates: org.jboss.eap:jboss-eap:6.3.0:zip, with that repository added to this project's pom.xml (see commented out repositories section).
Before executing the tests, download both EAP 6 and AS 7 app servers into your local maven repo by running both of these commands:
mvn install -Parquillian-jbossas-managed-7,single-test
mvn install -Parquillian-jbosseap-managed-6,single-test
Now you can proceed to time the tests against both app servers on a level playing field (ie: no time spent downloading).
Run Single Test in JBoss AS 7
mvn clean install -Parquillian-jbossas-managed-7,single-test
This takes around 30s on my laptop.
Run All 20 Tests in JBoss AS 7
mvn clean install -Parquillian-jbossas-managed-7
This takes around 36s on my laptop (20% increase for 20 extra tests).
Run Single Test in JBoss EAP 6.3
mvn clean install -Parquillian-jbosseap-managed-6,single-test
This takes around 40s on my laptop
Run All 20 Tests in JBoss EAP 6.3
mvn clean install -Parquillian-jbosseap-managed-6
This takes around 66s on my laptop (65% increase for 20 extra tests)