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Laravel eCommerce

Ecommerce site with Laravel 9, Vue 3 and Stripe.


Project screenshot

Stripe screenshot:

Stripe screenshot


  • Laravel 9

  • Vue 3 with SFC and script setup syntax

  • Pinia state management

  • State persist with pinia-plugin-persistedstate

  • Order form setup with FormKit and builtin validation

  • Stripe for payments

  • Easily change currency by setting two environment variables: CASHIER_CURRENCY and CASHIER_CURRENCY_LOCALE

  • Code linting with Laravel Pint

  • CSS animations

  • Responsive mobile menu

  • SonarCloud code quality scanner integration on all pull requests

  • Laravel tests with CircleCI integration


  • Fork or clone the project

  • Ensure you have PHP 8.1 or newer installed and setup properly (alternatively use Docker, see https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/sail)

  • Ensure you have access to a PostgreSQL database

  • Ensure you have Node installed

  • Rename .env.example to .env and modify the values

  • Run composer install to install the PHP dependencies with Composer. Check out https://getcomposer.org/ if necessary

  • Run npm install to install the Node dependencies needed by the project. Check out https://nodejs.org/en/ if necessary

  • Run php artisan:migrate to setup the Laravel database migrations

  • You should create at least one sample product. Although you can use the builtin factory seeders, I prefer to do manual creation for testing purposes.

    To do so run these commands after running php artisan tinker:

    $product = new App\Models\Product();
    $product->name = 'Example Product';
    $product->slug = 'example-product';
    $product->description = 'Example product description';
    $product->imageUrl = 'url to image';
    $product->price = 99;
  • Run npm run watch to serve the Vue 3 files

  • Run php artisan serve to serve the PHP files

  • Open up http://localhost:8000 in your browser


  • Do WCAG analysis and ensure there are no issues

  • Fix hardcoded currency

  • Finish implementing search with meilisearch-vue or vue-instantsearch when Vue 3 is supported

  • Add some tests to verify that the cart and checkout works correctly

  • Consider adding an admin dashboard

  • Look into performance optimization