import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re import pandas as pd name_price=dict() name_photo=dict() for page_num in range(1,97): Product_Name=[] Product_Price=[] URL="{}".format(page_num) page = requests.get(URL) soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') Names=soup.find_all('div',class_="name") for Name in Names: name=re.findall(r'(.)',str(Name)) name=name[0] Product_Name.append(name) Prices=soup.find_all('div',class_="price") for Price in Prices: price=re.findall(r'class="price">\s(.)<span class',str(Price)) Product_Price.append(price[0]) Images=soup.find_all('div',class_="image") for Image in Images: image=re.findall(r'src="(.)" title="(.*)"/>',str(Image)) try: image_url=image[0][0] image_title=image[0][1] name_photo[image_title]=image_url except: continue length=len(Product_Name) k=list(name_photo.keys()) for i in range(length): name_price[Product_Name[i]]=Product_Price[i] if Product_Name[i] not in k: name_photo[Product_Name[i]]="" name_photo={k: v for k, v in name_photo.items() if k in name_price.keys()} name_price={k: v for k, v in sorted(name_price.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])} name_photo={k: v for k, v in sorted(name_photo.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])} Names=list(name_price.keys()) Prices=list(name_price.values()) Urls=list(name_photo.values()) print(len(Names)) print(len(Prices)) print(len(Urls)) raw_data={'Product Name':Names,'Price':Prices,'Photo URL':Urls}
data_frame=pd.DataFrame(raw_data,columns=['Product Name', 'Price','Photo URL']) data_frame.to_csv("RadioShack.csv",index = False)

-----////-- #!/usr/bin/python

import os, requests, re, shutil import click from requests_html import HTMLSession # Cheat, helps to render pages for javascript

@click.command() @click.option("--url") def get_img(url): try: url = url.rstrip("/") except AttributeError: print("URL is not specified") exit() session = HTMLSession() r = session.get(url) content = str(r.content) # Get all data relative_urls = re.findall( r"(?:[/|.|\w|\s|-]).(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png)(?:[\w])", content ) # I can parse raw html for images re_count = len(relative_urls) # print("\n".join(links)) print("\n".join(relative_urls)) print("Found " + str(re_count) + " images!") for img in relative_urls: download_img(url, img) print("DONE! Downloaded images: " + str(re_count))

def process_url(url, img_url): img_url = img_url.strip() result_url = img_url if img_url.startswith("http"): return result_url else: if img_url.startswith("//"): result_url = "https:" + img_url # print(result_url) else: if img_url.startswith("/"): result_url = url + img_url else: print("Invalid image URL!" + result_url) return result_url

def get_name(img_url): return str(re.findall(r"[^\/]+$", img_url)).strip("[']"")

def download_img(url, img_url): result_img_url = process_url(url, img_url) response = requests.get(result_img_url, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: os.makedirs( "images/", exist_ok=True ) # Create directory for images, skip if exists img_name = get_name(img_url) print("Downloading " + result_img_url) with open("images/" + img_name, "wb") as out_img: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_img) # Save image del response print("OK") else: print(response.status_code + "\nFAILED TO DOWNLOAD IMAGE: " + result_img_url)

if name == "main": get_img()


import os, requests, re, shutil import click from requests_html import HTMLSession # Cheat, helps to render pages for javascript

@click.command() @click.option("--url") def get_img(url): try: url = url.rstrip("/") except AttributeError: print("URL is not specified") exit() session = HTMLSession() r = session.get(url) r.html.render() # Attempt to bypass some scraping protection by rendering page for JS execution links = img_links(r.html) # And i can use cheats =P link_count = len(links) # print("\n".join(links)) print("Found " + str(link_count) + " images!") for img in links: download_img(url, img) print("DONE! Downloaded images: " + str(link_count))

This function uses requests-html functionality to search for a tags

def img_links(html): def gen(): for img_link in html.find("img"): try: src = img_link.attrs["src"].strip() print("SRC: " + src) if ( src.endswith("jpg") or src.endswith("jpeg") or src.endswith("png") or src.endswith("gif") ): yield src except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: print("Invalid URL " + img_link) print("Terminating")

return set(gen())

def process_url(url, img_url): img_url = img_url.strip() result_url = img_url if img_url.startswith("http"): return result_url else: if img_url.startswith("//"): result_url = "https:" + img_url # print(result_url) else: if img_url.startswith("/"): result_url = url + img_url else: print("Invalid image URL!" + result_url) return result_url

def get_name(img_url): return str(re.findall(r"[^\/]+$", img_url)).strip("[']"")

def download_img(url, img_url): result_img_url = process_url(url, img_url) response = requests.get(result_img_url, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: os.makedirs( "images/", exist_ok=True ) # Create directory for images, skip if exists img_name = get_name(img_url) print("Downloading " + result_img_url) with open("images/" + img_name, "wb") as out_img: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_img) # Save image del response print("OK") else: print(response.status_code + "\nFAILED TO DOWNLOAD IMAGE: " + result_img_url)

if name == "main": get_img()