WARNING: rrolf is difficult to set up on Windows (specifically libwebsockets.) This guide is for Debian only.
- the NEWEST version of emscripten
- libwebsockets,
apt install libwebsockets-dev
- cmake, make, gcc/clang, npm, curl, etc. (hopefully you already have these installed)
Clone the repository, install node modules:
git clone https://github.com/PaulJohnson1/rrolf.git
cd rrolf
npm i
Build the client:
cd Client
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DWASM_BUILD=1
make -j`nproc`
cp ../../RivetStaticPage/index.html .
Build the server:
cd Server
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j`nproc`
Get node packages for master server:
cd MasterServer
npm i
Master Server: node main.js
(in rrolf/MasterServer)
Game Server instance: ./rrolf-server
(in rrolf/Server/build)
Host the client: Any server will do, for example python3 -m http.server
(in rrolf/Client/build)
- a way to prestige to get skill points that can for example double your damage
- sandbox pvp maybe similar to diep
- to add your own, make an issue with an invite to your server and I will consider adding it